Roy McCarthy:
Wednesday, April 12th—
Something unusual happened last week. I spotted a girl—I think—because she had long hair up in a tree. From her hair color, it was obvious that she's a Morso. Before I caught her though, she disappeared in a portal.
I don't think there's any Morso girls here. The only Morso here is probably Aaron. I wonder what the girl was doing up there. Plus, it was Emma's favorite spot to sit. Do all girls like to sit on trees?
"Roy!" My english teacher screams. I shake my head to clear the thought and reply, "yeah?"
"Name me one of the illegal associations I've mentioned," she demands. She must be mad that I wasn't paying attention in his class, but how can he blame me? Her teaching is so boring.
To be honest, I didn't hear a word she said earlier, but I do remember something that Matthew said before. What was it again?
"JEM," I say. Matthew has to have said that JEM is an illegal group. I just hope that'll work.
"That's a rather new one," she says, a bit surprised. "How'd you know about that?"
"A little birdie told me," I say. It feels good to call Matthew little, especially when he's well aware who I'm talking about. His sharp glare tells everything.
"Unfortunately, Mr. McCarthy," she says, "JEM is not one of the associations that I talked about. Pay attention in class next time."
"Yes sir," I say in a bored voice. I could've answered her easily, by looking in my textbook, but why didn't I? Seems like I still don't want to give people the satisfaction they want.
I'm buying food for the others today. Matthew, George, and Emma are all guarding the tree right now and I feel so lucky to be able to escape. I'm buying pasta because I don't know what else to buy. I want to tell the waiter that I want extra spice in one of the bowls to get back at Emma, but decided that I want a peaceful day today.
Heading to the forest was easy because of the portal. I arrive at George first, then make my way to Matthew. Next up is Emma, which is hard because she's always up in that tree. I just kick the tree so she jumps down and grabs her food. I do not leave food alone on the floor, food is too important to be treated like that. Lastly, I arrive at my own spot, safely on the ground.
It was only when I started eating this that I realized I forgot the utensil back at the store and the others are probably on their way to find me right now. I get up and begin my way to the store again. I just came back man!
While looking for a way to exit the forest without my three amazing friends who I know will nag me forever for forgetting to bring the spoons and forks, I pass the laboratory. At least the tree that I came out from when exiting the lab. I still remember what it was like when I entered the lab from the underground train. It was horrible. I never want to ride trains ever again afterwards.
As my stomachs do a turn, I sense a figure moving somewhere around me. I turn and see swift black shadows moving and it seems to be circulating me. I can't tell if it's one or two people because the movements were so quick, but it seems like they want to trap me.
I begin running as fast as I can out of the forest as the mysterious thing begins to chase me. It's running super fast and I dread what will happen if I get caught.
When I escape the forest, I look back to see a completely silent and still forest. Nothing is moving, but the darkness of the forest is creeping me out.
"Hey, Roy!" George shouts. "What are you doing here?" I realize this is the spot where George sits to guard the forest. Did he sense anything? It must be just me because he looks fine. I decided to keep what just happened to myself in case I was hallucinating. The forest is dark, it could've been anything. A rabbit even.

Dawns High and the Destruction of the Bees
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