George Hum:
Tuesday, February 23—
School life is weird now. Wherever I go, people seem to be talking about what happened last week, but not about the bees, about the levels of Emma, Matthew, and Roy. The whole school seems to know what had happened and the new hot topic is that 3 more elites entered the school. There were some people who approached me to ask questions, but I mostly turned them off because I don't like speaking about others, especially without their consent. It's rude and I wouldn't want anyone to talk about me behind my back.
The Royals are lying low these days, mostly Zachary and Kelsie. They don't create as much racket or abuse their powers as much. It's probably because they're scared of being kicked out of the Royals, especially Zachary. This is his senior year and it would look really good if he was the Royal for Dawns High. I didn't expect him to be around my level though. I checked my level last time and it was 8.4. I didn't make a huge amount of progress, but I'm pretty satisfied with this. My goal is to reach level 11 by the end of my senior year.
For training and elective class, we've stopped going outside because the teachers are afraid that there are going to be more incidents. Somebody finally told the teacher that the bees are attracted to abilities so teachers have advised us not to use our ability when we're within sight of the forest.
The other hot topic is how me and my friends saved our class from the attack of the bees by using an ability barrier and how Emma and Matthew yelled at Aaron. The second part is kind of ridiculous, but I was pretty mad too. If only they had arrived earlier, they could've helped us. Aaron and some of his buddies are very strong, yet Aaron waited until the last second. He's really a devil.
Using an ability barrier is new to me. I have never done so before that time and at first, I had no idea what to do. When Emma suggested it, I was so confused. I have only ever seen Roy using it, a smaller version, when he was playing around with my ability, but I have never tested it out. It was really difficult to produce and harder to maintain. I had to use all my upper body strength to withstand the pressure being put on my barrier by the bees and concentrate on keeping my ability active and not worn out all of a sudden. I can see past my barrier unlike everybody else, not sure about Roy though, because it's my ability. However, it's not like there really was anything to see because all I saw were the bees.
"Do you know where Matthew is?" I ask Emma. The science teacher has assigned us a project with your dorm mates. It seems to be the case for many projects here. Your partners are the people you are housed with.
"I thought I told Roy last time," Emma says. "My brother's in the music room."
"Yeah, but the problem is where is the music room?" Roy asks. What? You don't know where that is? I also thought you said you don't know where Matthew is.
"I think it's the seventh floor," Emma says. "To the left, there should be a lot of music rooms. The one you're going to be looking for will have a lot of instruments in it. Matthew's probably playing an emotional piece. You'll know when you get there though."
Thus begins my journey to the seventh floor. School already ended a couple of hours ago and we were both waiting for Matthew, but there was no sign of him, so we had to come back to the school to ask Emma. Luckily, she knows where Matthew is.
When I reach the seventh floor finally, my legs are so tired. Me and Roy had to take the stairs. It would be very helpful if we had a flying ability like Gabriella.
Upon entering the seventh floor, I hear only one piece of music, played on a violin. Guess I found Matthew. This is really good actually. I can sense the sorrowfulness of the player and it conveys a lot of feelings. I suddenly want to cry for some reason.

Dawns High and the Destruction of the Bees
FantasyAs a new school year begins, many students pour into Dawns High School, the most prestigious school in the nation. Only the most high-ranking students come here. All sorts of abilities and people exist in the school. This story follows the lives of...