Robot - WR

763 12 2

Type: young love / Action

Warnings: hitting your head ig?

Word Count: 531

Basic Plot: After Robot misunderstands you for an enemy, Will tries to show him that you really are good friends.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

We were both in the basement, putting together some parts for a damaged engine on the Resolute.

Will was working on a motherboard and I was putting together a metal bar to stabilize the whole thing.

I was working wires into it and held it up horizontally to examine if it's useable.

And coincidentally, I was holding it in Will direction.

At that moment, Robot came back into the room, carrying some more pieces of metal.

When he saw me, his light instantly turned red and he dropped the metal pieces, coming towards me.

It was already too late when I saw him and he pushed me back and against a metal box. I hit my head and fell unconscious.

Will's POV:

When Robot came back to the garage, I was putting together some pieces of metal.

The moment had already passed when I realized that Robot was attacking Y/n.

He pushed her back and she hit her head on a metal box.

"No! Robot, don't!" I shout, running over to Y/n on the floor.

Robot watches me as I pick her up and place her head on my lap.

I check her pulse and breathing. Then I look up at Robot and he sees my sadness.

His light turns back blue and he lowers his head in guilt.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

Robot looks back up at me and he seems to sigh.

"Danger, Will Robinson."

"What do you mean? Y/n would never hurt me, that's why I love her." I explain, just realizing what I said.

He points at the bar she was working on. I don't understand.

"Just- go wait upstairs. I'll be right there." I say and Robot walks away.

I look back down at Y/n and realizes her eyes are open.

Your POV:

I hear Will tell Robot to go away and open my eyes to see that I'm laying on his lap, his hands gently on my cheeks.

He looks back down and seems surprised that I'm awake.

"Y/n, are you okay?" he asks.

I nod but quickly regret it.

Pain shoots through my head like a giant hammer hitting the back of my head.

"What happened?" I ask.

Will hesitates, scared that I'll hate him for what he's going to say.

"I think Robot thought you were going to hurt me." he says.

Will strokes my cheek.

"But I told him that you would never, because well- because I-"

"You love me." I finish his sentence.

Will stares into my eyes.

"Yeah," he nods, "I do."

I smile at him. Will leans down, to get closer to my face.

He looks deeply into my eyes and attaches his lips to mine.

Will pulls back but keeps looking down at me.

"I love you too." I smile.


Okayyyy this one's shorter than the other one but it was just such a cute ideaaa

hope you like it!

Don't forget to vote, love you guysss


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