My sweet Will - WR

396 6 1

Type: Action / Sad / Fluff

Word count: 2126

Basic plot: Will won't leave your side. Ever.

Disclaimer: I kind of changed the plot of the TV show for this one. Made them stay in their Jupiter for a longer while before they actually (crash)land on the first planet. And I imagine Will to be older (at least at the age of season 3). The rest is the same!

Dedicated to: SaberRanger8071

thanks for your request, hope you like it!

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

Will's POV:

Red light is shining throughout the whole ship, people are running around, and everyone seems not to be running towards something, but more away from something. As I rush through the Resolute to try and find the rest of my family members, I run into Penny.

"Will!" she shouts, getting my attention, "Come on! We gotta go!"

I sprint after her as we pass many people running the other way. The further we go, the more people are lying on the ground. They seem to be dead. I gulp and try to ignore them while following my sister.

Out of nowhere, my other family members join us: "Will! Penny! Are you okay?" My mother asks. I nod quickly while breathing heavily.

"We have to get to our Jupiter as fast as possible. No stopping, okay?" she looks me dead in the eyes.

"What's happening?" Penny says with tears in her eyes. My dad steps to her and places a hand on her shoulder: "Hey. It's gonna be okay. We just gotta stick together, all right?"

She hesitantly nods and we continue running down the halls. Just as we turn the corner to the entrance to our Jupiter, I spot something- or rather- someone.

My feet ignore the rest of my family and I stop to crouch on the floor.

"Will!!!" Judy shouts, but I can't hear her. They're all at the door, waiting for me.

I push some bags away on the floor and turn a figure around, only to recognize her- Y/n.

Tears well up in my eyes and I quickly press two fingers to her neck. After a few seconds, I feel a weak pulse and gasp, hugging her with relief.

"Will Robinson, get on this ship right now! There's no time!" My mother shouts.

I finally turn around: "It's Y/n! I'm not gonna leave her behind!"

My voice is almost drowned in the loud sirens.

"Will! It's too late for her!" my dad shouts back.

I get angry. How could they? After we've been taking care of Y/n all this time. After we've known her for years back on Earth. She's part of the family. Always has been. She lost her brother a short time after boarding the Resolute because he was sick- she has no one left. It's just me.

"No, it's not," I say under my breath and use all my strength to pick Y/n up and carry her to where my family is standing.

As soon as I enter the Jupiter, my mom shuts the doors and I rush over to the med bay to strap Y/n in. Judy follows me.

"You're crazy for doing this, Will."

"No, I'm not," I shake my head while strapping Y/n in as best as possible without hurting her and making sure she's safe, "I care about Y/n."

"So do I," Judy says.

"Doesn't seem like it."

I walk back out of the med bay and rush to get my suit and helmet on before sitting down and strapping myself in.

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now