I sleep better in your arms - MJ

644 10 5

Type: Fear/ Fluff

Warnings: insomnia?, traces of past trauma experience

Word count: 1001 (it's short I know but it's so cuuuute)


"Max?" I whisper, trying not to startle him.

He's laying on the bed with one arm behind his head and the other in his chest. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is deep and calm. He had fallen asleep while watching "In the Heart of the Sea" with me, one of our favorite movies.

I would have let him sleep under any other circumstances, but I had been experiencing insomnia for the past few days and just couldn't fall asleep.

"Max," I whisper again, placing a hand on the one on his chest and stroking it.

He continues sleeping and I sigh. I shouldn't wake him, especially since he has an audition tomorrow and needs all the energy he could possibly need.

It's a big role in one of the biggest movies of the decade, apparently. He's super nervous and excited.

I get up from the bed and walk over to the bathroom, turning on the light. It blinds me for a few seconds as I watch myself in the mirror. My eyes are a bit red and the skin under them is pretty purple.

I feel tired. Really tired. But there's nothing I can do about it. Somehow, my body doesn't want to sleep. It just doesn't let me fall into the world of dreams.

To buy myself time, I grab my hairbrush and start de-tangling my hair. Slowly letting the brush pass through the strands of it.

"Y/n?" I hear a voice and look up, seeing Max through the mirror.

I turn around and put the brush down.

"I'm sorry- I woke you with the light and made some noise, I should have let you sleep and-"

"Are you okay?" he asks. His expression is worried, his eyes staring deep into mine.

I stop talking, taking a deep breath but ultimately shaking when doing so.

I down and pull my sleeves over my hands, fiddling with my fingers.

"No," my voice cracks up and I feel tears starting to well up in my eyes, "No, I'm not."

"Hey," Max says and quickly steps towards me, embracing me in a hug.

He holds me tight, pulling me close to his body. I shiver, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

Max picks me up and puts my legs around his waist before turning off the bathroom's light and walking back to bed, where he puts me down and lays down next to me, stroking my hair out of my face and behind my ear.

He stares into my eyes and gives me a worried look: "What's going on?"

I look up at him and let my tears fall: "I'm scared."

Max frowns at me, trying to understand.

"Why?" he whispers, scared of what I'm talking about.

Another tear falls down my cheek and Max wipes it off my face with his fingertips.

"I can't sleep." I cry quietly and hold onto one of Max's hands.

"And it's not just today. It's been happening for at least a week already." I whisper, leaning my head onto his chest.

Max pulls the covers over our legs and chest, bringing some warmth into the cold, october night. He caresses my arm, holding me close.

"Are you stressed, somehow?" he asks, trying to find out what's causing my insomnia.

I sigh, pulling myself closer onto his chest: "I don't know, but- I-"

"Shh," Max says, kissing my forehead, "take a deep breath with me."

I do so, relaxing my shoulders.

"There you go," Max whispers, "try again."

"Ever since mom died, I- I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't." I say, tears falling down my cheeks.

Max sighs, getting closer to me, his face right in front of mine. He wipes my tears away, replacing them with soft kisses.

He holds onto my neck and cheek, looking deep into my eyes. His fingertips wander down to my hand as he brings it up and places it in his.

"Open your hand." he says gently, and I spread my fingers on it, revealing the surface of the palm of my hand.

Max places his index finger on my hand and slowly starts drawing circles on it. I watch as his finger wanders over my skin, so gentle and so calming.

My eyes follow his movement, as his watch me. He's worried, and wants to help.

"I want you to know that I'm here for you." he says, kissing my forehead.

"And I'm not leaving. This is an emotionally hard time for you, I know, but it happens to everyone eventually. So don't think that you're experiencing something you're not allowed to. Because you are. And I'm gonna be here every step of the way." Max whispers, and I nod, letting my tears fall.

He pulls my back into him, sliding his arm around my stomach. His breath in on my neck, his fingers intertwined with mine.

"I love you, babe. And I'm here for you. Always." he whispers, kissing my cheek.

So I close my eyes. And concentrate on his breathing, trying to match mine to it. After some minutes, I feel my body getting heavier and cozier.

Soon I fall into a deep sleep and when I wake up, I feel better than I had in weeks.

"Hey babe." Max says in his deep morning voice, looking at me while lying on the bed.

I smile, staring back into his eyes and holding onto his hand.

"I was right." I say, giving him a smile.

"About what?"

"I do sleep better in your arms." I say, giving him a loving smile.

He grins, his cheeks getting a bit red.

"So do I." he answers, kissing me softly.


heyy everyoneee

hope you liked this one, it's a bit short, tbh

do you have any requests?

if you do, please just leave them directly here

hope you're all well!!



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