Midnight Circus - MJ

274 4 2

Type: Fluff/ Excitement

Word count: 1324 


I groan when I hear the loud noise coming from my bedside. I turn off my alarm clock and sit up. It's 4.30 am.

But I smile. We're setting up the circus today. After years of performing in public parks, the midnight circus has finally come far enough to be able to perform around the US in a private tent.

Which, automatically meant that they needed more people to help do the work of selling tickets, selling food and drinks and entertaining the people outside of performance times.

I started working with Midnight Circus after Max and I met on the set of Lost in Space. As a background character, I had lots of little roles throughout the whole show. But, being the producer's niece, I ultimately stuck around to help with anything from bringing people coffee to doing some of the stunts.

These days I'm working on lots of projects, most of them consisting of side-character roles for major franchises such as warner brothers or Pixar.

People seem to like my voice.

And midnight circus does, too. Which is why they gave me the role of presenting the performers and greeting the audience.

It's a really fun job. Plus, you get to see the glow on people's- especially children's- faces when they see Sam hanging in the air, Max balancing on rolls, and other performers juggling and jumping through hoops.

I step into my trailer's bathroom and take a quick shower, putting on some sports pants and a bra, plus a warm grey sweater on top.

I tie my hair up in a high ponytail and slip into my new balance sports shoes.

We always have an early morning routine, and depending on which maintenance or entertainment group you belong to, there are different timetables.

My group consists of Max, me and a couple of other guys from the maintenance crew. Today's Thursday, so we're the early crew. This means we have to turn on any engines needed, put up the pillars, and do any cleaning needed before the rest of the crew appears at around 8 am.

Then we get ready for the first performance of the day- at 1 pm.

I know, it sounds a bit like much for nothing. But the last performance of the day always starts at 9 pm, which means it goes on until about 11.30. And believe me, none of us feels like tidying after that.

Luckily we have a clean-up crew, who do the most then. But even so, we need a cleaning block in the morning. I open the door to my trailer and step down the stairs, looking around to see if anyone else is up yet.

To my disappointment, there's no one around. So I just start walking down the long hill to where the tent is. We set the trailers up on top to get the best photos of the night performance, when there are lots of colourful lights around.

It's an easy hill, but long. About halfway I hear a noise to my right. The last trailers come down until here. But there's no one around, so I continue my way down.

Suddenly I hear the noise again. And that's when I realise it was not a noise, someone is calling my name.

I look back up the hill and can't help but smile. Max.

"Y/n!" he says again and I spot him walking down the hill in the dark. He's wearing his grey sweatpants and sweater. His lazy fit as we call it.

"Morning monkey," I grin. I started calling him that ever since he begged me to come to watch him do a stunt for Lost in Space where he was hung up with two ropes in the air.

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now