Alien City - WR

402 7 3

Type: Fear/ Action/ Fluff (inspired by the actual episode)

Warnings: none really, just the loud sounds and bones

Word Count: 3530

Basic Plot: You find an alien city, exploring and taking with you as much as possible. After nearly not being able to escape, Will remembers just how much you mean to him.

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Our footsteps echo throughout the cave as the two of us make our way through massive corridors and pass multiple gates through the heart of the mountain.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I ask as I follow Will, holding up a flashlight at anything that seems to hide any clues as to what this place really is.

"I don't know what we're gonna find, either. But I know that it's safe. Robot assured it," he stops walking and looks into my eyes, making me gain confidence again.

We continue walking for a while, sometimes walking into dead ends, but eventually finding an even darker place, without a ceiling.

Will stops walking in front of me and I slowly step closer to him, holding onto his arm and hesitantly standing behind his tall figure.

"What is it?" I whisper when Will turns his flashlight off.

"Turn yours off, too."

I do so and immediately realize that this place is illuminated by the stars. They twinkle faintly, bringing a light blueish tone to the cave. I gaze at them, finding a splinter of calmness in them.

"Come on," Will says, stepping forward towards some rocks on the floor. I follow him, looking at the ground so that I don't trip and fall on these stones.

But what I don't realize is that I'm heading towards a cliff. Right before I would've walked into my death, Will holds me back with one of his arms.

I gasp, holding onto his outstretched arm, and looking up at him.

"Shit," I say, letting go of him and taking a few steps back, "Sorry."

"It's okay. Just be careful next time. I don't wanna lose you," he answers, taking his backpack off his shoulders and placing it on the ground. He kneels down and pulls out a flare gun, cocking it.

"C'mere," Will says, and I step forward and next to him.

He holds the gun in an upright position, looking at me before pulling the trigger and sending a small red flame into the night.

Out of nowhere appears a huge cave, with thousands of bridges passing through the middle of the cylinder-shaped opening towards the sky.

"Woah," I whisper, holding onto Will's arm. He looks down at me as I gaze at the red light in the hall.

His eyes follow mine as I look around, frowning when I see a small opening in a wall.

"What's there?"

Will's attention goes back to what I'm saying and he sees the hole in the wall I'm talking about.

"Let's check it out," Will says, starting to walk towards it.

"Wait," I say, making him stop and look back at me.

Will steps closer to me again: "What's wrong?"

I sigh, nervously fiddling with my fingers.

"I just- what if we find them?" I ask, "What if we find the creatures that created Robot? What if they don't like us- or decide that our race isn't to their liking? I mean, they're taller- and frankly- stronger and-"

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now