Librarian - WR

340 6 2

Type: Fluff

Word count: 2161


It's been two years since the attack of the robots. Alpha Centauri is turning into a great place to live. We've even built a library now! And I get to work in it every morning from 8 am to 12.30 pm. It mainly contains books brought from Earth, but some people are using the opportunity to publish their books now that it's easier and frankly not such a big industry anymore. I'm going to be honest and say that few people have been coming to the library. I mean, some of the older people practically live here, yes. But you don't see young people reading books anymore except for one. His name is Will Robinson. He's the one who has a robot friend. The two spend hours in the geology section, but I sometimes catch Will going to the sci-fi section on the top floor. The architecture of the library is truly fascinating. It's not one of those dark, humid places. This one has huge windows from the ceiling to the ground, letting in amazing sunlight. Of course, the best time to be in the library is when it rains. The soft sound of raindrops hitting the window is everything you could wish for.

I sigh, putting my journal to the side. Looking out of the window, the rain patters against the tall windows. I grab my coffee and lean back on the chair, pulling my feet up on it. It's not eight o'clock yet, so no one's in the library. But I like to take these few magical moments in the morning to myself. Playing some soft piano jazz in the background makes it even better.

I enjoy being alone.

Wearing a big cosy sweater and warm pants with comfy sneakers is one of the biggest reasons I chose this career. Every day is planned out and I love it. In the morning, I wake up early, get ready, go by the café close to home and come to the library. Then, I work from 8 to 12.30. After my shift, I go back home, change and go to the gym. A shower follows, then lunch. By then it's about three pm, so I usually either go out with friends or buy groceries. Usually, I spend the day doing my actual job, which is designing my monthly magazine, the Centauri Magazine.

It's not a big thing, but I enjoy it and people buy them! Mostly I've been recording things happening back home on Earth and any news here. Like Penny's book, or the fact that Don opened a Café called Debbie's Café. And still, with this perfect life, this happy day, the thing I'm always most excited about, is seeing Will.

His smile, how he laughs excitedly when I tell him that new books came in. He's such a positive person. As far as I know, he's been working at the geology centre in the official laboratories of Alpha Centauri. I've been wanting to visit him, but it's on the other side of town. Don't get me wrong, it's less than fifteen minutes away, but I still feel like I need an excuse to go there, you know?

My mind was carrying me away so far that I almost didn't realise it was already time to unlock the doors. I stand up from my comfy chair and stroll over to the door, using a PIN to unlock it and pull it back, placing a doorstop at the bottom to keep it open before heading to open the second and actual entrance door.

It's a glass door, so I see some customers waiting outside. Luckily they're carrying umbrellas.

"Good morning, everyone," I say in the most polite way possible, receiving many enthusiastic answers.

I hold the door open for the group of about eight to enter, then close it again, stepping back into the warmth of the building. I smile and head back to the reception counter, taking a seat behind it.

"Y/n, dear," an older lady says.

I look up from my book: "Yes, Mrs. Whitford?"

"Are there any, uh, old books I haven't read yet?" she asks.

She's such a sweet lady. Mrs Whitford comes here every single day, asking the same question. But I never have what she's looking for. I smile when I realize I can finally give it to her.

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