Saturn awards - MJ

472 6 8

Type: Fluff / Excitement

Word count: 2846

--> I changed the way the Saturn awards really are to fit with the story (separate tables instead of cinema-like seating, Max not presenting)

hope you like it, this one is so sweet


It's quiet in the car as we drive through the crowded city. Max is holding my hand, squeezing it every now and then, trying to control his nervosity.

"You ready?" I ask, smiling up at him. He grins and sighs, sliding closer to me.

Max puts his free hand on my thigh, his forehead close to mine.

He presses it against mine, closing his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he strokes my thigh.

I see his jaw clench and place my hand on his cheek, carresing him.

"You look beautiful," he whispers, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

I blush, leaning into him and letting him slide his arms around me.

I lean my head on his chest.

"Max?" I ask.


"What do I answer when they ask me questions I feel uncomfortable talking about?"

Max takes his time to think it over and answers: "Make a joke about it. Then they usually go to the next question."

I smile.


"And don't forget to smile. I know it sounds weird, but it's important. And don't worry, I'll be right next to you to help."

I close my eyes and lean into him, letting the strong scent of his cologne enter me, making me smile. I bought it for him about a week ago, and he said he'd wear it especially for today.

His strong arms are around mine. I feel the fabric of his white suit under my fingertips.

Our stylist matched our outfits, giving me a white evening overall and black heels.

These are the moments I live for. Not when we're on screen together, not when we're in public.

But when we're alone. When we can close our eyes and just let go of any pain, that's been holding us back.

The car comes to a stop and we can already hear the fans cheering outside. I open my eyes and see Max looking down at me.

He smiles, stroking my cheek and kissing me before the driver opens his door and he climbs out, adjusting his suit.

Lots of girls are shouting and screaming out his name, calling him, asking for autographs.

He then looks back into the car and gives me his hand, which I accept and use to bring myself up, standing next to him, but still a bit shorter. Even with the heels.

We hold onto each other's hands and step towards the fans. Max lets go to walk to one side of the aisle when I suddenly hear someone shouting my name.

"Y/n! Y/n can we get your autograph!!"

I turn around and see a bunch of excited fans stick out pens and posters with my face on it. This is the first time I go to an event like this.

Max and I met a year ago- when we started filming. We ended up going on a date a few weeks in, and ever since then, we've been dating.

But we're here for Lost in Space. Why are these fans carrying posters from my soon-to-be premiered movie Towards the Sun?

The picture is me and Max, pressing our foreheads against each others. And I can't help but feel happy about that picture. The scene was filmed right after we had our first kiss.

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now