Heart - WR

494 7 9

Type: Fluff

Word Count: 1872

Basic Plot: After being stabbed in the heart, you visit Will in the hospital.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

I rush towards the Robinsons when I see them. Running towards the hospital entrance, carrying a cryo-pod with them. But they're quicker and disappear behind the glass doors before I can reach them.

I get worried but there are multiple doctors and security people in front of me, so I wait outside. Soon enough I see Vijay and a couple of others appear, also waiting on the family.

However, I didn't see Will yet. I hope he's okay.

"Hey, Y/n!" I hear a voice. I turn around to see Vijay coming towards me.

"Hey, V. Do you know what happened?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing. You don't know?"

I shake my head and he sighs worriedly.

"But I'm sure it's gonna be okay," I say, "We have the best doctors you could ask for here. Plus, Penny seemed well."

"You saw her?" he asks excitedly.

"Yeah, I didn't see Will though," I sigh and look at the box in my hand. I spent hours making the content and really hope Will will be able to see it.

Vijay places a hand on my shoulder: "Hey, don't worry. He'll be here."

I smile up at him and thank him right before we see the Robinsons exit the hospital again.

"Y/n!" Maureen exclaims and I run over to her, embracing her in a hug, "Thank god you're okay. We didn't see you leave."

"I'm fine Maureen, but you guys? Are you okay?" I pull back and look at the rest of the members and hug them, too.

"Where's Judy?"

"She went to check on her shoulder," John says.

"And Will?" I ask.

They lower their heads. I look at them, worried, tears starting to form in my eyes: "Penny?"

"It was SAR, he-" she sniffs before continuing, "he stabbed Will in the heart."

I start crying, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"But the doctor said he'll survive. They're doing a heart transplant. He's getting a fake heart."

I silently gasp at her words but feel the family's pain. I was with them when we were stranded for seven months on that planet.

Penny walks towards me and gives me a tight hug: "He's gonna be okay."

I nod, pulling back and wiping away my tears: "When can we see him?"

"Probably tomorrow. Come on, there's something we gotta do," Maureen puts her arm around my shoulder and takes me with her to the communication center.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

Later on, after being able to turn on the shields on Alpha Centauri, and the warning against robot being dropped, Maureen, John and I drive back to the city center.

They leave me there and heads back to communications. Just as they drive away a doctor comes towards me.

"Miss Y/l/n? He's awake. You can see him now."

I gasp and thank her right before rushing into the hospital and to Will's room in the back. The black box is in my hand.

My feet stop right in front of the door. The knob suddenly feels really cold. I look back through the small window and see him sleeping.

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now