Surfing - MJ

391 8 2

Type: Excitement / Fluff

Word count: 1044


The sun heats up the sand under my feet as I stand by the shore, watching my boyfriend surf through the waves. He's been doing this for years already, and every time he asked to teach it to me, I denied because of my fear of the sea.

It's not that I'm afraid of water or anything, but my father used to be a fisherman. Some years ago he set out to sea with a couple of friends and their boat got caught up in a heavy storm. None of them returned.

Max has been trying to get me to at least put my feet into the water and today I'm feeling especially brave. We've been together for two years already and since then my phobia got better and better. I was killing off a monster inside me, and Max was always there to help.

I laugh when he sticks his tongue out towards me, riding the waves. The beach is pretty empty since it's a Monday afternoon during the beginning of fall. Wanting to do something, anything, I take a step closer to the water, letting it hit my feet.

When it does, I shiver at first but close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting the feeling of the water pass over me and through me. When I open my eyes again, I see Max returning from the water, carrying his board in one hand and using the other to shake off his hair a bit, to dry it.

I smile when he looks at me, his feet leaving imprints in the sand. Max steps up to me, still catching his breath as he stares down into my eyes, his face mere inches from mine. Salty water drips from his nose and hair as his lips are slightly parted, his chest rising and falling on a regular basis now.

"Hi," I whisper quietly, making him have to smile. But he can't resist it and uses his free hand to grab my neck and pull me in for a strong kiss. I place my hands on his chest, closing my eyes and letting him control everything. He sighs into the kiss, as if relieved to finally do it, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

When he pulls back, he smiles down at me and holds my hand as we walk back to our stuff. Max puts down the board and pulls down the zipper from his swimsuit, sliding his arms out, revealing his perfectly sculpted chest and abs.

I can't help but blush and he sees it. I turn around, embarassed, but suddenly feel him lift me up from behind, swinging me around in a circle, making me laugh.

"Aaah! Max, no!" I laugh, "Put me down!"

He lets me down slowly, and I'm still laughing when his arms are around my waist, our chests against each other's. I put my arms around his neck, gently tugging on the root of his hair.

"You wanna go for a swim?" he asks quietly, knowing that my answer will probably be no.

I sigh, leaning my head on his chest: "I think I can if you stay with me."

"Of course, babe," Max kisses my forehead, "Come on."

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the ocean, stopping by the beginning of the waves, letting them crash into his feet. I hold onto his arm, nervously, but take a few steps deeper into the water.

I know I lost my dad to the sea. But I can't forget that he loved it. So loving the sea is a part of me, no matter what.

The water is up to my thighs now, and I'm getting used to the temperature, my fingertips glazing over the surface of the clear blue water. Max is grinning at me, finding it funny.

"You got a staring-problem, Jenkins?" I ask, throwing water onto him. He turns his head away, but when he looks back at me, his expression is ready for revenge.

"Shit," I whisper, trying to run away from him, but he's faster. Max catches up with me, holding onto me and ultimately making us crash into the water. Both of us are underwater now, him still gripping my waist.

He brings us up to the surface again, now deeper in the water. I can still kneel, and my head is the only thing poking out of the ocean. I get my hair out of my face while Max shakes his head.

He then very slowly makes his way towards me, holding onto me again, this time placing my legs around his waist. I slide my arms around his neck, pressing my forehead against his.

I close my eyes, the waves gently rocking us from side to side. He pecks my lips gently, the kisses getting more intimate with every small peck. He kisses me passionately, holding onto my neck with one hand while the other goes around my stomach.

My legs and arms hold him tightly, knowing that this moment is a core memory.

When he pulls back, his eyes are fixed onto mine, not daring to look away or even blink. He smiles, his wet hair falling into his face.

I slowly stroke it out of the way as Max's lips are slightly parted while watching me do so.

"Remind me to bring you here every weekend from now on," he whispers, looking at me as if he were seeing me for the first time in years.

I chuckle, placing a hand on his cheek: "As much as I love you, I'm not doing this in the winter."

"What did you just say?"

"I'm not doing this in the winter," I answer.

"No, before that," Max smiles at me.

"I love you," I whisper, knowing that, although this is the first time I've said this, I am very sure of my words.

His eyes sparkle as he looks at me: "I love you too."

We keep staring at each other, not knowing what to do next.

"Does it feel like a movie scene yet?" I ask hesitantly and Max chuckles.

"Even better. It's reality."


heyyy guysss

hope you like this one, it's so sweettt



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