On the 22nd day of Christmas... - MJ

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On the 22nd day of Christmas...

... you woke up to the sweet sound of a guitar playing faintly.

... you stepped out of bed and saw Max in the livingroom, singing and playing to himself.

... he smiled at you and continued singing while you sat down next to him, leaning your head onto the headrest.

... he sang on, and you eventually stopped drooling to stand up and get him a coffee.

... he thanked you with a small kiss to the lips, smiling gratefully.

... after lunch, the two of you went to the city to buy some last minute groceries for Christmas, then came home and watched a movie.

... Max kept caressing your cheek as you lay on his chest, listening closely to his heartbeat.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

One more to go for the big surprise!!!!



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