Pretty boy - MJ

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Word count: 2108

Dedicated to: oliviamorgan420, hope you like it :)

Basic plot: You and Max are around 25 years old, living a happy dating life, until everything changes...


Max's POV:

Today is special. For many reasons, like it's a full moon, the first day of a month, but most importantly, our anniversary.

5 years.

The five happiest years of my life. 1'826 days of waking up next to the most beautiful girl in the universe. 43'824 hours of love and laughter, seeing her eyes glow when they set on mine.

I'm the luckiest man on earth.

Y/n and I met exactly 5 years and two weeks ago. We had gone to the beach in LA with a couple of college friends, where we were introduced by them.

We had never met before- acceptable, since UCLA has about 43,000 students yearly.

It was summer, and one of those where we stayed out all night, coming home at 3 a.m. The ones you remember your whole life.

Pink sunsets, swimming in the cold water, not ever freezing. The white volleyball is being passed around, never touching the ground. I remember the girls telling me to play something on the guitar and Y/n watching with a smile when I did.

They all sang along around the fireplace when it got chilly, everyone wrapping a towel around themselves.

Y/n stood up that night, picked up a dry towel and put it around my shoulders while I played. The others were so drunk that they didn't notice it. But I loved her for it.

It was so simple. The simplest act. The act that made me fall in love with her.


As I lay here, watching her sleep, I recall all the stories we wrote together and what it meant when our lives clashed the way they did.

And one of my favourite early encounterings:

"You sure you're old enough to work here?" I chuckle, sitting at the bar counter.

Y/n turns around and I can see she rolled her eyes. This has happened before. I slap myself in my mind for it.

But as soon as she sees me, her expression changes, she smiles. Though the lights are pretty dim, I can make out a slight redness in her cheeks.

"Well," she plays along, "my nametag and the fact that I've been working here for two years say so, but you never know, do ya?"

"You never know," I repeat, finding myself smiling as well.

"What can I get you, Max?" she asks kindly.

The chatter in the bar is loud, but for once it doesn't disturb me all too much.

"Just a corona," I answer, her frowning.

"You sure? People around here say that they don't like the symptoms it leaves."

"What symptoms?" I ask, completely confused.

She grins and I slap myself yet again, burying my red face in my hands in embarrassment.

Y/n laughs. And it changes something in me.

"I'm sorry, here you go, pretty boy, one corona," she hands me the beer and I thank her quietly.

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now