My Valentine - MJ

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Type: Super fluff (kinda short tho)

Word count: 919


Valentine's day.

Is there really anything I should add? Except maybe the fact that this will be the first time Max and I spend it together? Of course I'm nervous, but I'm pretty sure it will be one of the best days ever.

A week ago he took me to Central Park at sunset and asked me to be his valentine. I started crying and jumped into a hug which threw him onto the ground.

People around smiled and I couldn't be happier.

"Of course I'll be your valentine. It would be the best thing ever," I smiled.

He picked me back up and smiled down at me, holding my chin up to look at him before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

My hands followed my instinct up and around Max's shoulders, pulling him in close to me. His free arm wrapped around my waist, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter their wings.

I wake up from my dream and bat my eyelashes open, smiling when I realize where I'm lying. On a soft bed, next to the most beautiful person in the world.

Max is still asleep, so I scoot over to him, letting my fingertips graze over his soft cheek. His breaths are deep and regular as his chest rises and falls like the waves in an ocean.

I continue caressing him and he slowly wakes up.

"Hi," I whisper when he opens his eyes.

Max smiles and I could swear I saw him blush: "Good morning, baby."

His arms wrap around my waist and pull me into his body, relaxing with a deep exhale.

I smile and nuzzle into the crook of his neck, giving him a kiss.

"Happy Valentine's day," I say quietly, letting my kisses wander up to his jaw, sucking a little.

His large hands wander under my shirt, leaving goosebumps on my skin.

He grips me and pulls me impossibly close to him: "Happy Valentine's, Y/n."

His words make me blush and I press my lips onto his to express just how he makes me feel.

Max gladly kisses me, pulling back to catch his breath: "What do you wanna do today?"

He sighs and lays back, one arm behind his head for support, the other on his chest. I push up onto my elbows lying stomach down, staring at his eyes.

He smiles at me and I leave a gentle kiss on his torso: "How about nothing?"

Max chuckles, having expected that answer. He frowns a little, motioning for me to lay closer to him.

I slide up and look at his perfect face.

"You know the little box I gave you last week? The one I told you not to open yet?" he asks.

I nod eagerly, having hope he would say that. Max nods towards an objet sitting by the window. I look over and see a big wooden box, sealed with an old-looking lock.

I smile excitedly. I love opening things that shouldn't be opened, be the first one to see what's inside. Max knows me so well.

I roll over to my side of the bed and open the first drawer of my nightstand, taking out a large key that weighs heavily in my hands.

I get up from the bed and walk over to the box, Max watching me. The key fits perfectly and makes a rather loud clicking sound when I unlock the seal.

My breath gets quicker when I remove the lock and place on the side of the box. Suddenly Max's arms are around my waist, pulling it into his chest.

He watches as I slowly open the lid, letting it fall to the back. My heart jumps when I see what's inside.

There's so much to see that it takes me a while to focus on what I see. But my hands quickly jump to the little envelope in the back of the box.

Max chuckles. He knew I would grab it. I unfold the paper and read the letter:

Dear Y/n,

Honestly, the only thing I really want to write here is that you're perfect. In every way possible. And I love you more than anything in the world.

Oh, and these are for you, I know how much you love her.

My eyes jump to the other contents in the envelope. I almost scream when I see it. Tickets to a concert. But not just any concert.

Dua Lipa. (or your own favorite!!)

"Max!!!" I exclaim, jumping up and wrapping my arms and legs around him, hugging him as tightly as humanly possible.

He laughs, holding me tightly and holding me in the air.

"Thank you so much," I breathe, attaching my lips to his in a passionate kiss.

He leans in, deepening the kiss. But he leans in so much, we end up falling backwards onto the kiss.

"Aah!" I laugh, making Max laugh as well.

We roll onto our sides and he pecks my lips, pulling me back in for some kisses.

I feel the butterflies erupt in my stomach and can't help but giggle a little.

"I love you so much," he whispers, kissing me again.

I grab his cheek, pressing my forehead against his.

"I love you, too."

He sighs with a smile, closing his eyes.

"But you might wanna wear ear protection at the concert, because I'm gonna bust some eardrums," I grin while Max laughs, wrapping himself around me.

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Happy Valentine's day sweethearts💕

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