Guitar Lessons - MJ

344 10 5

Type: Fluff

Word count: 1364


"Are you excited?" Sam chuckles, looking at her brother.

"Would you stop that? Besides, you've never even met Y/n, Sam." Max answers, looking up from his book while sitting on the sofa.

"I know. But if what you've said about her is true, then she's someone I gotta meet. Because you're definitely head over heels in love with her."

"Shut up," Max says, continuing to read.

Sam smiles, proud of her achievement when they suddenly hear the doorbell. Max immediately puts his book down and stands up, heading towards the door.

"Woah, no rush, Prince charming," Sam jokes and follows him.

Max ignores it and opens the door, seeing me standing on their front porch. I turn to him and smile when my eyes meet his.

He answers with a smile: "Hey."

"Hi," I say, walking into the house when he steps aside. I take off my shoes and Max grabs my coat, hanging it with the others.

I look around, seeing Sam.

"You must be Sam. The famous younger sister. I'm Y/n," I stick out my hand and her eyes are practically glowing when she shakes my hand.

"I love your hair," she brings out, making me chuckle.

"Thanks," I smile, "I really like your shirt."

She giggles and has the biggest smile on her face.

"Hey, uh, you can go wait upstairs, I'll be right there," Max says to me and I nod, walking up the stairs to his room.

I've been here before a couple of times. But it's the first time I met Sam. She's so cute.

Sam grabs her bother's arms when I'm out of earshot.

"What the hell, Max!"

"What?" he asks, confused.

"You didn't tell me your girlfriend was Y/n fucking Y/l/n?!"

Max starts laughing, having to hold onto his stomach.

"Hey, she's an amazing actress. I can't believe you didn't tell me earlier!! I would have prepared something!" Sam exclaims.

"Calm down, Sam. You'll be seeing more of her, I promise."

Max smiles and walks up the stairs to his room where I'm waiting.

"Hey, sorry, my sister's a bit cranky when it comes to guests," Max says.

I take a seat on the floor and he sits down opposite me.

"It's fine. I like her. She really has that energy you talked about."

Max chuckles: "Yeah, well, that's Sam."

He sighs and sits closer to me, our knees touching.

His eyes are fixed on mine, following my every movement. He glances to and fro my lips, inching closer to me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to properly say hi to you," he whispers.

"Why don't you do it now?" I say quietly, leaning closer to him.

Our faces are mere inches away from each other's, his fluffy hair touching my forehead.

"Hi," he smiles, placing a hand on my cheek to pull me in.

His soft lips touch mine in a gentle manner, slowly guiding them in a passionate way.

I close my eyes and hold onto his shoulders, pulling him in closer. His hands slide to my back, pulling me in closer too.

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