On the 20th day of Christmas... - MJ

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On the 20th day of Christmas...

... you two stayed home preparing the house for a little party with just work friends tomorrow.

... Max invited a couple of friends including Mina and Jenna. Taylor couldn't make because she's in Paris.

... Jenna gladly accepted the invite so now all that there was left was to buy some last minute things and especially prepare the kitchen for the cooking spree.

... after that you grabbed your laptop and started doing some extra work while Max sat down opposite you with a piece of paper and a pen.

... he started drawing and you looked up every now and then to try and find out what he was doing.

... he just smiled at you and you waited patiently to see the end result.

... turns out he was feeling nostalgic and drew a Jupiter from memory. He also added Alpha Centauri to the background of the picture and drew some of the other characters.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

can't wait for the holidayssssss



Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now