The Geology department - WR

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this one is set in season two of Lost in Space, when the family finally arrives on the Resolute and gets some time to settle in with the other inhabitants


(Narrator's POV)

"Will?" Maureen calls her son, walking towards the main deck of the Jupiter.

"Yeah?" Will answers, and Maureen finds him by the table, working with some of the rocks he found on other planets.

Maureen smiles and looks around. "Where's Penny?"

"Oh, she went to hang out with a couple of other teenagers from the Resolute, I think." Will says, knowing that Penny's actually trying to follow Smith.

"Great. Well I just wanted you to know that I'm heading out to go check on the life support system. I'll probably be back late, so don't bother waiting for me. And go eat in the cafeteria with the others." Maureen says.

"Okay, have fun!" Will says, looking back down at his rocks. His mother still looks at him and waits for him to realize.

"What?" he asks. She gives him a worried but proud look and sighs.


Maureen looks at her son, who's waiting for an answer.

"Right. Don't stay in here all day. Go see people." Maureen says and leaves the Jupiter.

Will sighs and goes back to working on his rocks. He takes small samples and puts them in various vials, closing them and categorizing them by date.

When he gets to the crystal rock Robot had found for him, he sighs. His mind wanders off to his missing friend and he realizes he never asked anyone on the ship if they had seen him.

Will grabs the box with the vials and puts them in his backpack together with the rocks and leaves the Jupiter.

He checks his receiver for the Resolute's map and realizes there's a geology department.

"Bingo." he whispers to himself and walks through the Resolute's halls to the lab, passing by the windows where you can see the various Jupiters.

He arrives at the place and unlocks the door, stepping over the threshold

It's a bright hall with multiple tables and machines, each working on something. The lab is minimalistically decorated, with a few personal items lying here and there, but each of them small. There's no one around, and Will gasps when he sees the wall at the end of the lab.

There are thousands of different types of rocks in glass compartments, each holding two evidences. Will marvels at it and steps closer, looking at each one of them.

This place is like heaven for him.

Will steps to one of the tables and reaches out to touch one of the rocks when he suddenly hears a voice.

"Please don't touch that," Will turns around to see a girl of around his age, "my mom will kill me if anything changes with her setup."

The girls smiles politely and walks towards Will.

"Sorry." Will says, still smiling at the girl.

The girl brushes it off and walks back to her table, Will following her.

"I was wondering," he starts, catching her attention, "do you know where I can find Dr. Cooper? I heard she was the head of the geology department."

"Oh, Dr. Cooper died in the first attack. Sorry." the girl says, stepping towards a microscope and adjusting it to the right setting of the sample she just put in.

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now