Breakfast - MJ

417 7 2

Type: Fluff

Word count: 997


The sweet smell of freshly baked cake makes me open my eyes and blink when the light hits, making me smile. I feel around the soft fabric of the bed's sheets letting my fingertips run through it, turning to the side and seeing the empty bed.

Before I could ask, I hear some noises in the kitchen and get up, putting on my cozy slippers and strolling out of the bedroom to the kitchen, where Max is setting up plates on the kitchen island.

When he sees me, his eyes light up, coming towards me. He's not wearing a shirt so I come into direct contact with his body warmth when he pulls me in for a hug. I let out a quiet sigh, smiling against his chest.

His arms hold me tight as he picks me up and places me on the counter. I giggle and hold onto his shoulders, looking into his eyes as he steps closer and stands in between my legs. His messy hair adds to how adorable, and frankly, hot he looks right now.

I run my hand through it, tugging at the roots.

"I made breakfast," Max smiles proudly and I grin, leaning in and kissing him. His hands wander down my waist to my shorts and to my exposed thighs. He squeezes them, making me moan quietly into the kiss.

When I finally pull back, he's smiling up at me as if he's seeing me for the first time again.

"Are you okay, Max?" I chuckle, caressing his cheeks and putting two fingers on his forehead to check his temperature, just in case.

"I'm amazing," he still stares up at me.

I chuckle and look to my side to see a fresh lemon cake, just out of the oven. He knows it's my favorite and only makes it on special occasions.

"What's this for?" I ask, looking back into my boyfriend's sweet brown eyes.

"No big reason. I just felt like you've been tired these last few days and needed day to relax. So I called in at work and told them that me and Mrs. Y/l/n caught the flu and have to stay home."

He grins up at me and I can't help but shake my head while grinning: "Mr. Jenkins, you naughty boy."

He chuckles: "Well, I just hope that one day I'll be able to call in and say that Mrs. Jenkins won't be coming in."

I feel my stomach turn as the butterflies flap their wings inside. The blush on my face turn me really red, and I turn away to hide it.

Then I look back at Max, who's still smiling up at me. I think to myself and finally ask:

"You're impossible to hate, you know that?" I put an grin on my face and this time it's Max who blushes, ultimately pulling away and stepping to the cake, cutting out a piece.

I hop off the counter and walk around the kitchen island, sitting on one of the stools.

"Thank you, Max," I say, making him smile. "You're welcome, Y/n."

He gives me a plate with a piece of cake on it, puts some whipped cream on the side and places a few strawberries next to it.

"Any plans for today?" I ask as he sits down, biting down onto one of his strawberries.

He shakes his head: "Not really. You?"

I look out the window of our apartment in New York, seeing the dark, grey, rainy day.

"I was going out with a couple of friends but that's definitely cancelled."

He chuckles: "You wanna go catch a movie? I hear the new Black Panther is pretty good."

My eyes go wide: "You'd go with me?"

I love Marvel. Always have. But Max isn't extremely interested in the movies. He's more a fan of the comics. So much, that he has his own collection in our living room. It's fantastic.

"Of course, babe. Besides, this movie is more than just Black Panther. It's for Chadwick."

I smile at his words, feeling my heart explode in happiness.

We finish eating breakfast, do the dishes together and then head back to our shared bedroom.

"But he totally messed up!" Max laughs, pulling the covers back to their original place on our bed.

"No he didn't! Besides, it's either him, or my favorite, Christian Bale."

Max chuckles as he realizes we're discussing who the best Batman is.

"All right. But we can both agree that the best Superman is Christopher Reeve," Max points at me and I bite down on my finger, knowing exactly that I don't agree.

"Oh, come on," he laughs, opening his wardrobe to get some clothes, "who is better?"

I grin and open a few drawers, getting out my own clothes.

"Henry Cavill," I finally say, making Max raise his eyebrows and pause his actions to take a good look at me.

I laugh at his expression, putting on a sweater.

"Okay, answer me this, though," Max presses his palms together, as if to pray, "do you prefer Henry Cavill," he puts a finger on my lips to make me wait for the end of the sentence, "or, do you prefer Zack Snyder's version of the movie?"

I realize what he said might be true and take some time to think about it while putting on the rest of my outfit.

"Okay, you win."

Max chuckles and we head to the bathroom to brush our teeth. The mirror is still kind of fogged up from his shower as I do my hair and leave the bathroom to put on my shoes. Max is packing his backpack with everything he needs.

Lastly, he grabs an umbrella and looks at me: "Ready?"

I nod, grabbing his hand: "Always."


heyy guysss

this one is shorter but the idea came to me and I had to do itttt

alsooo, I've got lots more planned, so stay tuned!!



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