On the 11th day of Christmas... - MJ

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On the 11th day of Christmas...

... you wrote your christmas list for when you go to New York.

... Max came home with a special little twig in his hand. Mistletoe.

... you smiled at him as he hung it up by the bedroom door, waiting there for you.

... you chuckled, stepped over and sweetly kissed him, his arms wrapping around you.

... so, to pay back the favor, while he took a nap in the afternoon, you prepared chocolate-covered strawberries for the two of you.

... after dinner while he sat by the fire, you brought them and fed him some, making him chuckle and feed you some too.

... he couldn't resist it and gently kissed you, making butterflies erupt in your stomach.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

i loooove strawberriessss



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