Race Day - part one - MJ

634 9 7

Type: Fluff / Excitement

Warnings: none

Word Count: 2049

Basic Plot: You and Max go to a Formula One Race and enjoy a good time with friends.

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I wake up under warm, heavy covers. Sunlight peeks through the drapes, shining onto my face.

I groan and turn away from the light, when I hear a deep chuckle from in front of me.

Opening my eyes, I see Max laying next to me, watching as I sleep.

"Morning." he says with his deep morning-voice.

I smile and close my eyes again. "Morning."

My instincts make me slide closer to him and he embraces me, pulling me closer to his bare chest.

I breathe in his scent and hug into his chest. He chuckles when I keep trying to get closer to him.

"What are you doing?" he chuckles.

"I wanna get closer!" I say in a sweet voice.

Max laughs: "You're already hugging me!"

"It's not close enough!" I say, making him break out in laughter.

I smile and look up at him. He smiles at me and leaves a small kiss on my forehead before letting go of me and getting up to get dressed.

"Come on, we gotta get dressed to meet Mina (actress who plays Penny Robinson) and Taylor (actress who play Judy Robinson) on time."

Max walks to the bathroom to brush his teeth and I get out of bed, strolling after him.

He's brushing his teeth and I hug his waist from behind, resting my head on his back.

Max smiles at my cuteness and continues to brush his teeth, handing me my brush and toothpaste.

I grab them and brush my own teeth. When Max finishes, he leaves the bathroom and grabs his phone, coming back.

"Okay, so," he starts, looking at the schedule we have for today while I brush my hair, "we meet the girls at nine, have breakfast with them at that café we saw yesterday, then come back to grab our bags and get a taxi to the tracks. Then we'll have a guide there who'll show us the area. We'll watch the race, have lunch there and then come back home to rest if we're tired or we can go check out the city. We'll have dinner when we feel like it and the go to bed as early as possible so that we have the energy in the morning to catch a flight back home."

Max looks up at me from his phone: "How does that sound?"

I nod. "Good." I smile at him and get on my tiptoes to leave a small kiss on his lips before walking out of the bathroom and grabbing and outfit for me.

Just a lightbeige poloshirt and jeans to match with my beige shoes and cardigan.

Max somewhat matches his outfit to mine and I smile at him when I realize what he did.

I hug him tightly.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks. I'm not ususally this touchy.

"Yeah, I'm just really happy to be here with you." I say and Max smiles.

"Me too." he says.

I grab my bag and sunglasses and we leave our hotelroom, closing the door behind us.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

While we walk out of the building and into the fresh and rather sunny day in Silverstone, a small village south of Towcester in England, Max zips up his jacket and I button up my coat.

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