Christmas Eve - MJ

276 6 3

Type: total fluffffff

Word count: 2894


Max's POV:

Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes is playing on our record player, the whole house smells like freshly baked cookies and lots of candles are lit when I hear the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" I say, rushing over to the door, seeing the white view out the window. I open the door to find a very special someone standing there.

"Who do we have here?" I ask, already chuckling at my own joke.

She smiles up at me, her hair falling perfectly over her shoulders. I don't know if it's whether she's carrying about ten bags, making me not be able to actually see her face, or if it's the fact that I know she's grinning behind all these packages.

"I brought mistletoe!" I hear a faint voice behind all the presents. I chuckle, grabbing at least half of the bags into my own arms.

When I finally see her face, I almost drop the bags. Her hair is done, her makeup simple and natural. Just like she likes it. And under her coat I'm sure I see the matching christmas sweater I bought her last year. Which, I'm also wearing.

"It's good to see you," I say.

She blushes and replies: "Come on. I'm getting cold out here!"

She laughs as she follows me into the house and into the living room.


We put the bags down and turn around to see Sam rushing towards Y/n.

"Sam!!!" Y/n answers back with the same energy.

They hug each other and I smile, grabbing the bags with food that Y/n brought and taking them to the kitchen to my mom.

"Hey," she says while cutting some carrots, "is Y/n here?"

"Yeah, she brought a lot of stuff, too." I say.

Mom chuckles and looks into the bags: "Is that a red wine?"

I grab it and nod: "Yep, Y/n is cheating. We said no alcohol to make people happy."

"Oh, Max. A little wine won't hurt," mom chuckles and winks at me.

I smile and head back to the living room where Y/n is now, after hanging up her coat, placing the presents under the tree. Sam went back up to her room to go get some of the last decorations.

We're hosting a big party tonight, so we have to make sure everything is perfect.

Your POV:

Just as I'm putting down a couple of the presents I got for the three Jenkins, I hear footsteps behind me. I get up and see Max wearing his christmas sweater, hands in his pockets, smiling at me.

I adjust my own matching sweater, looking up at him. One of my hands is behind my back, secretly holding a small mistletoe twig.

My grin grows as Max frowns, stepping closer to me and leaning down to my face.

"What are you hiding, Y/l/n?" his voice deepens, making me shiver. But as quick as possible, I lift my hand, holding the mistletoe over our heads.

Max's eyes dart upwards, seeing the mistletoe. He smiles, placing his hands on my cheeks and sweetly pulling me in for a kiss. I immediately blush, holding onto his shoulders.

I smile into the kiss, Max pulling back and pressing a kiss against my forehead afterwards.

"Let's hang this somewhere," I say, revealing duct tape in my other hand.

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