No way out - MJ

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Type: Kind of angsty, but this pictureeeee ^^^^

Reminder: Whatever you're going through, know that there will always be someone out there who'll support you. And I do too.

Stay safe <33

Word count: 902


I sat and crawled into a corner, head on my arms, legs pulled up against my chest. It was one of those days. The days when I just feel like there's no way out. That no matter what I do, it'll just get worse. I cry, feeling anxious, and depressed, not wanting to continue.

There's no point in trying, I'll fail anyway.

My face is swollen, my eyes red and mascara dripping down my cheeks, following the trace of my tears. It seems so stupid. So useless to cry over it. But I just can't seem to stop. My mind stays ever on topic, not letting me look away.

Fear of disapproval from others presses against my head, and I grip the cloth from my pants, pressing my nails into my skin. My shirt is completely soaked in salty tears.

My whole body shivers as another wave of tears approaches me in the dark room, lights turned off. The window is slightly open, and an icy wind enters the space.

The need to scream grows and grows, and I pull my legs in even closer. As much as I feel the need to destroy something, fatigue soon reaches my eyelids and I can't help but shut them completely, resting my head against my arms.

The weight on my shoulders causes me to lean forward and lay down on the stone-cold floor, letting my tears drip down onto the floor, quietly slipping into an uneasy sleep.


The next thing I feel is being picked up from the cold floor, embraced by two warm arms, feeling a soft bed hold me from under me. Someone took off my wet jeans and shirt, placing a warm blanket over me.

On my side, the weight shifts as someone lies down next to me, pulling me into his bare chest. As soon as I realize who it is, I start crying again, my body shivering.

"Shh," he coos, "let it all out."

And I do, crying my tears into his chest, letting all the pain, anger and frustration slip out through my eyes.

I grab onto him, pulling him in closer and he places a protective arm behind my back, making sure I know he's there.

"I, just-" I try to explain, but it seems impossible. My heart crumbles, threatening to break completely.

Two warm hands grab my face and pull it up to look at him. And even though it's dark, I recognize his eyes staring into my soul.

"I'm here," he simply promises, but it comes a long way. I fight my tears and bring a weak smile onto my lips, which makes him smile.

"That's it," he pecks my lips, "don't stop fighting. Ever. You're so strong, such a beautiful person."


In the morning, I wake up feeling tired.

Max is gone. I pull the covers over me again, rolling onto the side. My head hurts, but I manage to fall asleep again.


"Y/n? Hey, sweetie-"

I blink before opening my eyes and seeing Max sitting on the edge of the bed, giving me a small smile.

I return it and lean up onto my elbows: "Hey,"

"How do you feel?" he asks gently, grabbing one of my hands and gently squeezing it.

"Okay," I admit, "I mean, after letting it all out."

He smiles again and slips into the bed next to me, pulling me in between his legs and close to his chest. Max kisses my right cheek and neck side, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I intertwine my fingers in his, turning my head to the right, ultimately meeting his lips as they lock for a gentle kiss.

As soon as they touch everything slows down. My heartbeat is the only thing that accelerates. Otherwise, I lean into him, letting him guide the kiss.

His hand travels to my neck and jaw, grabbing it and pulling me closer. Our eyes are closed, arms around each other, my legs now straddling his.

His hands wander to my lower waist, pulling me down onto him and impossibly closer to him.

I pull back slowly, our lips still somewhat attached. His hazel brown eyes stare up into mine, disorienting me completely.

"I feel so lucky to have you," I whisper.

He nods and pecks my lips again: "I will always take care of you, Y/n."

I press one more kiss onto his lips before hugging him, placing my head in the crook of his neck.

We stay like that for a while before Max gets up with me on his lap and carries me to the bathroom, putting me on the counter.

He lets me stay attached to him while he grabs my hairbrush and softly tries to untangle my hair, making sure he doesn't hurt me.

All the while he massages my head and neck, earning a deep groan from me. He chuckles, kissing my cheek.

"There. The most beautiful individual on the planet is sitting in front of me right now," he says with a smirk on his face.

I smile, for the first time in weeks. His expression goes from worried to grateful.

"See," he kisses me, "I knew you were still in there. We just had to find that spark."



hope you're all well,

this one is for all of you loves feeling a bit down.

Also, he's going to UCLA!!! OMGGGG!!

Our little Max from Lost in Space is growing into an actual adult :(

hope you enjoyed this,



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