Alien Ship - WR

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Type: Excitement / Action / Family

Warnings: broken wrist

Word Count: 2194

Basic Plot: Penny, Vijay, Will and you go on a quest to search an abandoned Alien ship for clues as to where Robot went. He had been missing for some days now.

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"Y/n. Hey. Wake up."

Penny gently shakes me awake in the middle of the night. She's whispering because everyone else is asleep.

I sit up on my mattress and look around. Vijay and Will are also standing there.

Penny helps me get up and put a coat on due to my broken wrist.

"What's going on?" I whisper back.

She smiles and puts her hands on my shoulders to brush off dust.

"We're going on an adventure."

I smile back and Penny steps away and out of the tent. I soon follow her after grabbing my older brother's military tags and putting them on.

I don't go anywhere without them.

Will is waiting for me outside when I get out of the tent.

"Hey," he greets me quietly as he embraces me in a hug.

"Hi." I say back, hugging him too.

"You sleep okay?" he asks, putting his hands in his pockets as we walk over a big meadow, away from the tents.

"Yeah. You?" I ask, looking up at him. The silence is long before he answers.

He sighs worriedly: "I- couldn't really get any good sleep, to be honest."

I frown, putting my right arm around his left. "Hey," I say, making him look down at me, "we're gonna find him. Whatever it takes. After all, he's family."

Will smiles at my comment. We step through the grass and the Jupiter grows in sight as we get closer. "Thank you." he mouths to me as we arrive at the dining room in the Jupiter 2, which Penny had only gotten permission to use because she now has her Jupiter licence.

Will grabs my hand and presses it lightly as a symbol of trust. He smiles at me and stares for a while.

"You guys gonna stop flirting and put your suits on?" Penny's voice halls through the Jupiter's comms system.

Will laughs and shakes his head. I walk towards the suit cabin and he follows me. After grabbing our suits and locking on our helmets, we turn up in the dining room and sit down, strapping ourselves down to the seats.

"All right, Captain, all clear for launch," I say into the radio, Will grinning at me from the opposite side of the table.

Vijay and Penny both strap themselves in as well and we soon launch the Jupiter. Penny, with the help of the autopilot, flies us out of the atmosphere and into space. It's a bumpy ride and I close my eyes, holding onto the belts.

As soon as gravity is turned back on in the ship, and we leave the atmosphere, Will and I take off our helmets and get to work.

"All right. Y/n, go to the garage and see if you can access the manual ignition for the radar, it seems to be kinda bumpy here on the screen." Penny says through the radio.

"Got it." I say, walking over to the hatch and climbing it down into the garage. "Will, see if you can access any more of the maps we have of this galaxy." I hear Penny tell Will.

While I walk over to a switchboard at the end of the room, I hear someone enter the garage and I turn to see Vijay.

"Oh, hey." I say. He smiles. "Hey. How are you doing?" he asks.

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now