Safe - Thomas (Arcadian)

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It's been a while, I know, but for the next two weeks, I'll be writing as much as possible for you to enjoy reading!

Arcadian just came out and I really want to see it, so this imagine will be pretty vague concerning the movie's plot. All I know is Max looks so amazing in the trailer, which inspired me to write this one!

Thank you for waiting sweethearts, and here you go!


Basic plot: In a post-apocalyptic time, Paul and his twin sons Thomas and Joseph (and Y/n), have to survive in a world where there is peace by day and monsters attack by night.

Maxwell Jenkins: Thomas (or Tom)

his twin: Joseph

their father: Paul


"Thomas! Get back right now!" Paul shouted, seeing his son run towards him over the hills as I stood there, shaking with fear.

Joseph was standing next to me. He had his arm around me, giving me some stability.

We had secured the whole farm and the only thing missing was Thomas. He had gone back out to look for something but didn't tell us what it was. It made Paul mad. And scared, too.

As he came closer, Paul urged us to get back inside. We hesitated but didn't wait for him to shout at us, too. We ran into the farm, each waiting by one of the doors.

As soon as Thomas and Paul ran through, we shut the doors, secured them and pushed heavy furniture in front of them.

"Are we safe?" Paul asked. Joseph nodded having closed the outer door.

"Are we secure?" Paul turned to me. I nodded as well.

Two doors now separated us from the outside world. We were all panting, coming down from our adrenaline high. Paul stepped away into the kitchen, and Joseph followed after squeezing my shoulder to make sure I was okay.

I finally looked up at Thomas. He was already staring at me with sorrow. I felt tears well up inside my eyes, getting close to falling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, releasing my tears. He immediately stepped forward, embracing me in a hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, stepping on my tiptoes to be as close as possible to him.

He smelled like rain and dirt, calming me a bit. Thomas tightened his grip around me, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Stop scaring us like that, Tom," I whispered, pulling back to look him in the eyes.

He nodded, knowing what he did was wrong. A tear slipped down his skin and I was quick to wipe it away.

I stood up on my tiptoes again, gently kissing his cheek. He pressed his eyes shut as I did so, leaning into my touch. I pressed my forehead against his, breathing deeply and slowly.

"Come on," I said quietly, "your dad cooked us dinner."

I grabbed his hand and gently pulled him into the kitchen, letting go to sit down next to Joseph, across Thomas.

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