Race Day - Part two - MJ

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Type: Fluff / Excitement

Warnings: none

Word Count: 1212

Basic Plot: You and Max go to a Formula One Race and enjoy a good time with friends.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

There's lots of noise and many people holding up flags, waving them around. It's extremely hard to walk around the people, but I pull Max with me to a tent. And right on time, because we can soon hear the rain pattering against the tent's roof.

Inside the tent there are a couple of tables and people talking to each other. Some people are being interviewed, but at the far end I recognize what we were looking for.

"Hey, look, there." I say to Max and he sees what I talking about. We walk to the back of the tent where there some people around a couple of tables, talking to some people with a "guide" sign on their shirts.

There is one empty table and we walk towards it, a nice young man receiving us.

"Good Morning," he says in a beautiful English accent, "how can I help you?"

Max takes over for us and I just watch. "Hi, yeah, we scheduled a guided session for 10.30?" Max says and the man nods, checking a list on his screen.

"Right. Under which name?"

"Jenkins." Max says. As the two of them check different informations, I look around the tent and see that they put up some big screens with the sports channel turned on.

I can even spot Mina and Taylor on the screen, walking through the crowd and getting closer and closer to the tent. I chuckle when they wait in front of it, just as we had planned, but they're both getting very wet.

I look back over at Max and he's just finished talking to the man. I smile at him.

"All done?" I ask.

Max gives me a sad look. "What wrong?" I ask, getting worried.

"They had to cancel all guided sessions because of the rain." Max says, grabbing my hand.

"Let's go back to our stall, we'll be fine there, too." I say, caressing his arm.

He's visibly disappointed. If I don't plan this right it could ruin our day.

"You think so?" Max asks me right before we leave the tent.

"I know so." I smile and give him a small peck on the lips before grabbing his hand and pulling him out.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

Mina and Taylor see us, cheering, but at the same time hoping we have a warm and dry place to go to.

"Heyy!!" Mina says, hugging me. I laugh and hug her back.

"I really hope you guys rented a warm stall for us." Taylor laughs, her hood pulled over her head.

"Yeah, come on. We're all getting wet and cold." Max says and grabs my hand. He pulls me through the crowd and I hold onto Mina, who's holding onto Taylor.

We push ourselves through the people and soon arrive at the main building again. There we show the guards our vip-tags and they let us in.

In the entrance we shake off a bit of the water before walking up the stairs and down the hallway to one of the doors. Max puts his hand in his pocket, retreives a key and unlocks the door.

He lets Mina, Taylor and me in first before shutting the door behind him.

"Woah, this is awesome." Mina smiles, seeing the sofa and big TV-screen.

"I agree." Taylor says, but she's looking at the table set with food and beautiful flowers.

The rain is getting stronger now, but we managed to take off our coats and dry off our hair a bit before sitting down on the sofa to watch the TV.

There's a big covered balcony with a view over the start of the track, and you can see the pit-stops from there.

"Wait so who are we rooting for again?" Mina asks, pointing at the TV.

"Whoever you want," I smile, "but these days Verstappen, Leclerc and Perez are usually in the pole positions."

Max puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me a bit closer.

"All right. But you totally have a favorite, don't you?" Taylor looks at me and gives me her all too famous grin.

I roll my eyes and laugh.

"You know me too well."

I get up and walk over to the table with food.

"My favorite driver is Verstappen," I say, "because he started out with eightteen and won a race at that age."

I grab a big plate full of cheese and crackers, and set it down on the small table in front of the couch.

"Do you guys want some tea? Coffee?" I ask, walking back to the small built-in kitchen.

"Ooh, I'll have a green tea, please." Mina says.

"Just plain coffee for me." Taylor says.

"Max?" I look at him. He gets up and walks towards me.

"I'll help you." he grins and I smile up at him.

He comes towards me and places his hands on my waist, pecking my lips.

I smile and get a small teabag from the drawer.

Heating up some water, I hear the coffee-machine turn on.

Max makes Taylor's coffee and brings it to her. I finish Mina's tea and Max brings that to her as well.

Then I make my own and Max's tea, one with lots of honey, one with none- and take them to the sofa.

I sit back down next to Max and we watch the TV.

A reporter is talking to a couple of important-looking men when one of them says:

"Yes, we will have to delay the race for another half hour."

"Aww man." Mina exclaims, making us laugh.

We end up playing some card games and eating almost all of the food that was on the table. The race keeps getting delayed and soon Mina and Taylor fall asleep on the sofa.

I lean back onto Max's chest, laying in between his legs on the other end of the sofa.

I listen to his heartbeat as his hands go around my waist and stomach, holding me tight.

He grabs my hands and intertwines his fingers in mine. His lips leave gentle kisses on my temple, and I feel us sinking deeper into the soft cloth of the sofa.

"Hmm." I sigh and smile, turning around and laying my chest on him, leaning my head onto his chest and into the crook of his neck.

Max kisses my forehead and caresses my cheek. His breathing is slow and steady, his heartbeat quiet and soft.

I look up at him and he stares into my eyes, giving me a look he had never given me before.

"What?" I whisper, my gaze turning into a soft smile.

Max puts a hand on my cheek to pull me in.

He kisses me softly, holding onto me by my neck.

"I love you." he whispers.

I smile, looking into his eyes again.

"I love you too." I whisper back.

He grins, kissing me again.

"You're my sweet girl." he whispers, making me blush.

"Yours always." I say back.


heyy guysssss

this one is so cuteee :)))

hope you like it!

don't forget to vote and comment



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