Meet the driver, the legend - MJ

440 6 4

Type: Excitement/ young love

Word count: 1248


(Narrator's POV)

"Max? What do you think?" Mrs. Jenkins says.

"Uh, that's great. Thanks, mom." he smiles and kisses his mother's cheek before walking out of the kitchen and back to his room.

The two are travelling to Salzburg in Austria. After having been to a Formula One race, the two are supporting smaller racing companies by buying tickets and watching the race.

This one is a female driver race, supported by smaller racing companies in Austria. The women are excellent drivers, but most of them also do other sorts of driving.

Especially Y/n Y/l/n. She's a young driver, who grew up around cars, and frankly, grew up watching Fast and Furious. Outside of track racing, she also does drift racing.

And Max really wants to meet her. He read a few articles about her before travelling, and every time he finished the last sentence of the interview, he needed to know more.

Y/n is not only an amazing driver, she also has an amazing life, getting to know some of the most famous drivers ever to live. Apparently she had dinner with members of the Ferarri family mere weeks ago.

She's a badass, that's for sure.

And after a long flight to Austria and a good night's sleep, Julie and Max arrive at the circuit. They leave the taxi and walk towards the building with their ID tags around their necks.

The guards let them in and as soon as they step into the campus, they hear the engines of the cars passing on the track.

Max is excited, and Julie sees that. They head up to the room they had rented and leave their heavy coats and bags there.

"You can go talk to the drivers, something came up from work. I'll catch up with you later." Julie says.

"Okay," Max smiles and walks out of the room, wearing a light jacket for the wind.

He goes to the tracks and walks past the different sections, looking for the one Y/n drives for. There are lots of people cheering and applauding, many workers looking at screens and talking to the drivers.

Max eventually finds Y/n's pit stop and knocks on the wall, getting an older man's attention, who looks over at him and greets him with a smile.

"Hello there. And who might you be?" his strong english accent coats his words, making them quite delicate although his voice is strong and deep.

"Hi, I'm Max." Max gives the man his hand and he shakes it, "I'm just a visitor."

"Well Max, I'm Dr. Owens, Y/n Y/l/n's physiotherapist." the old man smiles and Max grins.

Owens motions Max to follow him to the "balcony" outside, which is basically a counter in front of the car's garage. In front of it lies the pit stop for the car.

Max sees many fans cheering from the stands, watching the cars practically fly by with their speed.

"All right, Max. What would you like to know? I'm assuming by the look on your face you have at least some questions." Dr. Owens says, looking at Max.

Max smiles politely. "Actually, I do. Uhm, firstly, how many races does she have a year? Like, on average."

Owens nods and leans against the counter.

"Well. Y/n has many races per year, but it depends if they are national races, such as this one today, or if the race is regional, like her drift racing. I would say she has at least about 30 races in total per year? And whenever she's bored, she'll go racing with some friends of hers. Meaning people in contact with the Ferarri family."

Max is amazed: "I also saw that she had dinner with the family a couple of weeks ago?"

Dr. Owens chuckles: "Oh yes, but I must tell you, it happens more frequently than you think, my boy." He grins at Max and turns to talk to a guy that walked up.

"Yes, yes. All right. Bring her in."

He then turns back to face Max: "You're in luck. Y/n has just finished her warm-up. Now the team has to check the car again and you get to meet her."

Owens walks towards where the car is going to be, telling Max to wait where he is.

"Oh and I must warn you, she isn't always in her best mood before races!" Owens shouts, laughing to himself.

Max nods and puts his hands in his pockets, waiting. Soon he sees a red car pull up to the pit stop. The driver gets out of the car and takes off the helmet.

And that's when Max realizes she's prettier than anything he'd ever seen before. Y/n flips her hair and it is as if he were watching one of those scenes in movies where the girl makes the guy fall in love with her because of her hair.

She doesn't notice him and hands her helmet to one of the workers. While she's tying off her gloves, Owens talks to her, but Max doesn't hear anything. Only suddenly Y/n looks over at him and then back at Owens. She sighs as if she were forced to do something she didn't want and nods.

She hands one of the men her gloves and walks towards Max. His heart races when she steps up to him.

"Hi, you're Max?" she asks. Her voice is beautiful, soft, but determined and strong. Her eyes are fiery, almost hypnotic.

"Uh- yeah. I'm a big fan." He says nervously and she chuckles, realizing that.

"Wait. I recognize you. Do I know you from somewhere?" she frowns, walking over to the sofas with him.

They sit down and Owens closes the drapes to give them privacy.

"I- uh, I don't know. Maybe," he chuckles nervously.

Her frown suddenly turns into a happy, surprised smile.

"Wait. Max as in Maxwell Jenkins?" she asks.

Max feels himself warm up inside, a deep feeling of pride and happiness.


Y/n sighs, leaning back into the sofa and smiles, shaking her head.

"The one and only Will Robinson," she says.

Max feels himself start to blush. Y/n, the most beautiful girl he ever met, knows him. And is a fan.

"Can I just ask you one thing?"

"Sure," Max leans back.

Y/n leans forward, leaning onto her knees as if what she's going to ask is highly classified:

"Why did Will never name the robot?"

Max hesitates before letting out a laugh. Just as he's about to answer, Owens peeks through the curtains and calls Y/n out.

"Y/n, I'm afraid we have to do your pre-race checkups now."

"Oh," Y/n is clearly disappointed and stands up.

Owens walks away and waits for her outside. Max also gets up to properly say goodbye to her.

"Well, um- it was nice meeting you-" Max says.

Y/n smiles up at him. "Likewise," she says and steps towards the curtain, stopping right in front of it.

She turns back around, looks Max into his eyes and boldly says:

"Do you wanna exchange numbers?"

Max's heart races.

"Uh- sure."

He gives her his phone and she blushes as she types in her number before giving him another smile and vanishing behind the curtains.


heyyy guysss

this one was a request, I hope you like it!!

see you soon!!

btw, did you see him at the Saturn awards??

That suit was amazingggg he's looking soo goood

anywayy, have a nice weekend!!



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