On the 13th day of Christmas... - MJ

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On the 13th day of Christmas...

... you had breakfast in the city, then took a cab to the metropolitan museum of art.

... right in front of the grand entrance stood a very dear friend.

... "Mina!!" you shouted when you saw your her.

... she rushed over and embraced you in a hug: "It's so good to see you!"

... Max smiled and came over embracing the two of you together.

... "Jesus have you grown even more than the last time I saw you?" Mina chuckled, looking up at Max.

... you spent the day at the met, having a great time with Mina.

... tomorrow will be even better...

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

ooooh I might do a Met Gala one, who knows?



Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now