Request your own!

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Hello my sweet honeybearsss🍯

It's time to bring yourselves into the stories! (or a version of you)

what I mean?

You can leave requests for these categories down here⬇️

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

Name (if not requested, I'll do Y/n):

Type (Sad, Fluff, Action, Excitement, etc):



Basic plot (if wanted (e.g., themes like Valentine's, halloween, christmas, etc)):

Any other characters to add to the story (Robinson family members, Jenkins family members, friends from LiS/real life):

Anything else to add? Something I should definitely/ definitely not add?

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

...and that's it! Hope you have an amazing spring break and get that rest you beauties deserve❤️❤️❤️

love you all🫶🏼


Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now