Towards the Sun (Saturn awards pt. 2) - MJ

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Type: Fluff, fluff, fluff, and super fluff. Oh and also, before I forget, fluff.

Word count: 3524

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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight BA297 with service from Chicago to London, this is your captain speaking. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. Our estimated time of flight will be 7 hours, 35 minutes. ETA will be 7am local time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing British Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

The Captain's voice is hard to understand through the speakers, like it always is in any flight. The air in the plane is already really cold, so I grab the blanket they gave use and throw it over myself, laying to my right and seeing Max smile at me.

The Producers got us business class tickets, with two private seats that are connected in the middle so that we can easily talk to each other and have privacy. The lights are all dimmed for the night, but still on for takeoff. As soon as we reach the correct height, they'll turn them off.

We're both super excited for this premiere. Both of us are celebrating a main character's role for the first time. The premiere itself is in two days, but makeup and hair wanted us to be there earlier.

The dimmed lights and quiet business class section as well as the sliding doors Max and I have next to our seats for privacy only add to the sleepy atmosphere.

"You tired?" Max asks quietly, stroking a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear. Lifting my heavy lids, I stare up into Max's sweet brown eyes, the same ones that looked at me excitedly during the Saturn Awards.

I nod, having to yawn into my hands, and burying my head into the pillow I put on the table in between our seats. Max continues caressing my hair while he watches me slowly fall asleep, and into a dreamless slumber.

After a while he leans down and plants a kiss on my forehead before tightening my seatbelt to make sure I don't stumble awake during takeoff.

Which, soon enough, does happen and the plane glides into the air over Chicago, ready for a flight to London.

I wake up, seeing Max watching a movie. I think it's Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League. Which means it's a 4-hour movie.

"You're not gonna sleep?" I ask, Max only then realising that I woke up.

"Oh, sorry, babe. Did I wake you?" he asks sweetly.

"No," I smile, "but I'm still kinda cold."

Max immediately pauses his movie and reaches down to his backpack, grabbing a hoodie.

"I brought an extra one in case this happened. Here," he pulls it over my head and then wraps the blanket around me again, "that better?"

I just smile up at him, admiring his care and love. Max smiles back, leaning closer to me.

"Is it?" he whispers quietly.

But instead of answering, I press my lips onto his in a soft kiss, holding onto his jaw and neck. He closes his eyes and leans into the kiss, gently pecking my lips.

The faint scent of his cologne and his messy hair add to the things I love about him. His charisma, his gentle touch when he grabs my hand to show me something, the way he laughs when we're with friends, the giant smile on his face when we go to his college's football matches.

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