2. This Ungodly Hour.

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"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice thundering over the silent room. I watched in shock as Thomas closed the door behind me, the smug smile never leaving his face.

"What? What did I say?" Thomas asked, throwing his hands up in the air defensively. The innocent tone of his voice making me want to actually throw punches, preferably at his face, and oh now that I think of it I could probably kick him in the nuts while I'm at it.

"Look tough guy," I said, jabbing my finger into his chest and backing him into the wall, surprisingly considering he's literally twice my size, "if I did dream about you, which I do occasionally now that you mention it, it's not about that. I prefer making you suffer. It's quite enjoyable actually."

Without waiting to see his reaction I retracted my finger from his chest, turning away from him and quickly, but not too quickly, sauntering upstairs to my room.

I glanced back for a split second when I reached the top of the stairs. To my surprise he hadn't moved an inch from the spot I'd backed him up into. The smug look on his face was replaced with something that was completely unreadable, though to me it looked exactly how I'd expected it to, hurt.

'1-0 to me Thomas, your move' I thought to myself as I made my way to my room. Reaching it swiftly, I closed the door behind me, careful not to slam it as im not that dramatic.

Though, something did feel a little off to me as I sat myself down on my bed, as much as I tried to hide it, a little part of me hated making Thomas' irritably perfect face look like that. A little part that seemed to be growing in size.

Reluctantly, I peeled myself off of the comfortable paradise that was my bed to get ready to go to sleep. I entered my bathroom, brushing my teeth and having a quick shower to wash away the stress of the day before heading back into my room.

I glanced at the digital clock sitting on my nightstand as I made my way over to my bed. 11:23 appeared on the screen, which didn't surprise me as it had been late when I got back from Sarah's.

I crawled slowly into my bed before throwing the blankets over me in an attempt to get comfortable.
My eyes began to feel heavier and heavier as my head hit my pillow and I was struggling to keep them open. I slowly slid further down in my bed until the blankets reached my chin, finally giving into the sweet temptation of sleep as I let my eyes remain closed, the warm and cosy embrace of my bed consuming me.


My slumber was unexpectedly broken by a loud thump that sounded like it came from just outside my room. My door was left slightly ajar as I didn't particularly like to sleep in the dark, the sliver of light that made its way through the crack sufficed.

I didn't bother moving an inch as I presumed it was just my dad getting home from work. He usually worked the night shifts at the restaurant he worked at which usually closed around midnight.

Another, much louder, thump echoed through the house. This time it was followed by a grunt, and a quiet but still audible "fuck."

By this time it had been established that the mystery person obviously wasn't my dad which made me lift my head slightly from my pillow to check the clock on my nightstand. To my surprise, the numbers 02:19 were illuminating the screen. I rubbed my eyes, shifting my whole body up to rest on my elbow.

It was too late at night for it to be my dad. Who was it then? My mom? No, she'd be asleep, she wasn't really a night person, more of an obnoxious morning person, which of course was the complete opposite of the rest of my family. Asher? Definitely not. Laura? It could be but I highly doubt it. My younger sister, much like the rest of my family wouldn't dare get out of bed before seven.

That only left one option, which honestly wasn't even an option. It was a burglar. Probably not but still, it could be. Slowly, I lifted the blankets off of me, being careful not to make a sound. In slow motion, I crawled out of bed, tiptoeing across my room to peek through my slightly open door.

My eyes were met with a completely unexpected image. It wasn't someone who had broken in. It was none other than Thomas Baker. He was slowly tiptoeing down the stairs, much like I had moments ago from my bed to my door as to not alert the person lurking around my house at such an ungodly hour.

I released a breath that I hadn't even realised I was holding in as I opened my door completely, my eyes taking a second to adjust to the brightness.

I debated pushing him down the stairs but decided not to as it would probably wake everyone up. Instead I just watched as he slowly crept his way down the flight of stairs, leaning against the wall, my arms crossed, a slight smirk creeping its way onto my face.

I took the time to really analyse him as I never really did have the chance when I was constantly having to look away from him to stop myself from attacking him.

Oddly enough, right now, watching him be so vulnerable and oblivious as he stumbled down the stairs, I didn't feel like attacking him at all.

I couldn't see his face as his back was turned to me, him being too focused on not falling down the stairs to notice he'd been caught. His appearance did initially shock me but I wasn't really that surprised. He was completely naked, from the chest up of course. He wore only grey sweatpants, his torso on full display.

I didn't realise I was admiring his muscly back until it was too late. He really was sickeningly attractive. The tattoos, however unnecessary they were, trailing up his arms did add to the appeal.

I suppose that was one of the reasons I disliked him so much. Him being sickeningly attractive meant he was basically a man whore, he was after all renowned for having slept with every girl on the cheer squad. Twice.

He was also renowned for not having any relationship with anyone he slept with, whatsoever. He was famous for his one night stands and it usually made the girls pissed with him, them making a massive scene in front of the entire school. They didn't stay mad at him for long though. All he had to do was flash them that charming smile and they basically melted on the spot.

That's another thing to add to the list of things I didn't like about Thomas, his smile. The way he could use it to get out of anything. It angered me so much how he just had to smile and all his troubles would go away. Everyone loved him and I couldn't, for the life of me, understand why.

I mean yeah, he's nice, good looking, has eyes that can make your heart beat twice as fast when they look at you, star player on the football team. But still, underneath all that, people don't know, that he's actually a real fucking asshole.

"Like what you see?" The voice broke my inner train of thought. The voice coming from the direction of Thomas who I hadn't even realised had turned around. He was looking right at me, and I was staring right back at him.

Well shit.

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