26. Lovey Dovey Shit.

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"Did that actually just happen or am I high right now?" I ask, pulling myself out of Thomas's arms despite his clear protest.

Coach Riley heard me and Thomas doing that.

And he doesn't seem to care.....

I look up into Thomas's eyes as he keeps me steady with his hands gripping my hips tightly. A look of shock crosses his features for a mere second before he meets my questioning gaze. His eyes are filled with an unexpected amount of understanding.

"It's fine B, he's cool. He's my coach, he doesn't care about this stuff," Thomas replies casually, pecking my forehead softly before releasing me. He sits on the bench opposite the row of lockers and pats the spot beside him.

I slide into his lap instead and he doesn't seem to mind, only chuckling lightly before wrapping his arms around my waist to keep me in place. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare into his eyes. They're different. There's something different about them. They're still that shade of blue that reminds me of the ocean but there's still something weird about them. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's almost like they're more full. Of what? I couldn't tell you.

A soft smile plays at his lips and I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I catch sight of it.

"D'you wanna go again?" Thomas asks hopefully, his tone seductive and tempting me into compliance. But I don't. We don't need a repeat of what just happened with a teacher, or anyone else for that matter who isn't as understanding as coach Riley.

"You're so greedy," I reply, a cunning smirk parting my lips as I watch his hopeful and seductive demeanour fall.

"Can you blame me? You were incredible B," he comments, slowly caressing my sides. I struggle not to blush at the compliment and instead move to straddle him and his grip on my waist only tightens.

I move my hands to his hair and run my fingers through the familiarly soft locks. He releases a long, content sigh at the action and closes his eyes, a wide smile crossing his face.

"What did I ever do to deserve you, huh?" He asks out of the blue, his smile not faltering one bit making me believe that he's actually being serious.

How can such a wonderful, kind and sweet boy not think that he deserves me? I'm not at all that special but he still cares for me. And him? He's more special than anyone I know.

I'm not afraid to say that if I lost him, I'd die.

Probably. No, definitely.

"It's me who should be asking that question," I retort, my tone light but still making Thomas open his eyes to stare at me in utter shock.

"What do you mean?" He questions, seemingly calm but I know that he's not like that on the inside. His eyes tell a completely different story than his words.

"I just mean that you're you and I'm me," I squeak out, cringing at my own voice that sounds way too high pitched. Great. Introducing chipmunk Billy. AKA, nervous Billy.

"Baby, what's that supposed to mean? You're amazing B, truly. Stop putting yourself down ok? And me? Hell, I'm a mess. I-I'm not even good enough for you B."

"What?! What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, my tone rushed and filled with irritation. I can feel my self growing more and more confused by the second.

"Well, I'm just a dumb jock—"

"So? I don't give a shit. You're my dumb jock or whatever so suck it up because I'm not gonna just up and leave, ok?"

"Aww baby, I'm yours?" He coos, sarcasm clear in his tone. I feel myself relaxing when I hear it though. At least he's not self deprecating.

"Yes you idiot. I'm yours, you're mine. All that lovey dovey shit. Now can we please stop talking about this because it's stupid and it's not true. You're good enough for me and I'm good enough for you, end of story," a soft smile plays at his lips and I can't help but mirror it. My heart is still racing from that somewhat outburst and I don't hesitate to pull myself closer and bury my head in the crook of his neck.

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