8. Not Yet.

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"Which one?" I asked Laura, pointing between 'Frozen' and 'Toy Story' even though I already knew which one she would pick. She's a fucking Disney princess stan, much like every girl her age.

"Um, I don't know, Frozen," she muttered, staring up at me with a beaming smile on her face that forced me to press play on the movie we'd already sat through about 10 times, this month. I'd lost count of the total number a while ago.

Once we reached the part of the movie that I literally got a headache from just watching it, Elsa singing 'Let it Go,' I decided it was time for me to retreat to my room. I was concerned that I knew the song word for word as I slipped out of the living room and up the stairs, still hearing her singing as I shut my bedroom door.

I knew Laura didn't mind me leaving as she was too engrossed in the movie. This is what we did almost every Wednesday night, when our parents both happened to work night shifts, my dad at the restaurant, and my mom at the hospital as she was a nurse. We would pick out a movie, Laura always got to pick and it was always a choice between Frozen and some other animated children's movie. We both knew though that it wasn't a choice as she always ended up picking Frozen anyway.

Sometimes Asher would join us and surprisingly he seemed to enjoy it just as much as Laura did, which confused me immensely. He, like everyone in our household at this point, knew the words to every song off by heart and wouldn't hold back when it came to singing along.

It always gained entertained giggles from Laura which always made me laugh too. Unfortunately, Asher wasn't here tonight. Instead, he was staying over at a friends house, again. I made a mental note to question him on that as I lay down on my bed.

My phone buzzed in my pocket which made me jump slightly. I pulled it out of my pocket, not bothering to check the caller ID as I knew it would either be a family member or Sarah. I presumed it was Sarah as both my parents were at work and Asher usually just texted me instead of calling.

I answered it, bringing it up to my ear. "Hey Sarah," I muttered, adjusting myself on my bed to get more comfortable. "Wrong," a deep, gruff voice chuckled. I knew who it was the minute he started chuckling, the sound making my heart rate increase.

"Thomas?" I asked, although I knew the answer, it was more of a rhetorical question. "Yes dear," he chuckled again, causing a cheeky grin to spread across my face.

"How the hell did you get my number? And what was the point of giving me yours if you were just going to call me anyways?"

"Sorry, I just really wanted to hear your voice. Something just came over me so I just stole your brothers phone and got your number off of it."

"Wait. Is he with you?" I asked, wondering if he'd been staying over at Thomas's place all the times he'd said that he was staying at a friends house.

"Yeah. He's passed out on the couch though, coach really laid it on at practice today."

"Oh yeah? It's a shame I wasn't there to see it."

"Mhm, you should come more often, I enjoy having your eyes on me," his voice sent a shiver down my spine, his tone getting deeper and lustful.

"Maybe I will. Although, I'm not sure? Are you number 6 or 8? I keep forgetting."

"Number 7, you knew that, stop teasing."

I let out a short chuckle as I just listened to him breathing. It was oddly comforting, just to listen and imagine what he was doing or where he was as we spoke. I imagined his smile, the one that always made my heart race. His deep blue eyes that put my hazel ones to shame.

"What's got you so quiet all of a sudden?" He asked, his voice low, almost a whisper.

"Nothing. I was just thinking."

"About what?"


Wait. Did I just say that?

"Me too. I mean, I was thinking about you," he replied, his voice a smidge louder than a whisper. The low sound of it made me shiver with anticipation. What would it be like for him to whisper like that in my ear while he stood behind me? I imagined getting chills from it.

"How did we get here?" I chuckled, my voice still at a normal decibel. He was clearly just whispering because Asher was asleep and he didn't want to wake him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well. I just mean, I used to hate your guts you know?"


"And now, let's just say I don't feel as much hate as I once did."

"Oh come on, stop lying. You love me."

"Not yet."

Wow. I was on a roll tonight. All the things that I wanted to say in my head were somehow just coming out and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. Although, a part of me did want it to happen. A rather large part of me.

"Oh shit," he muttered, his voice getting even quieter as I could hear a slight shuffling in the background, "sorry, I have to go, your um, your brothers waking up. See you tomorrow?"


"Good. Bye Billy."

"Bye Thomas."


"Wait, so he called you? Then why did he give you his number?" Sarah rambled on as we walked side by side through the corridor filled with students. She had decided to join me on my walk to my locker.

"I don't know? He just said that he wanted to hear my voice so he got it off of Asher's phone."

"That's cute."

"Mhm, it was."

We made it to my locker in no time. I opened it, retrieving my books and closing it again with maybe a bit too much force.

"Hey, so do you wanna come over to my place after school? Asher and Laura are staying at friends houses so it'll just be us and my parents."

"Sure. As long as I get to spend some time with your mom, I love that woman."

"You only like her because you think she's hot, which quite frankly is incredibly weird."

"Hey! I don't think she's hot. Besides, I've got Ariana now."

"Speaking of, how are things between you two? Been on that second date yet?"

She fell silent for a little too long after that which caused concern to build inside me. I turned to her, taking in the confused look on her face. Her usual grin was replaced with a frustrated frown.

"What going on?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. I was preparing to have to hunt Ariana down. Had she hurt Sarah? If she did, she was as good as dead.

"Nothing, it's just," she paused for what felt like hours before continuing, "she kinda um, asked me to be her girlfriend."

I immediately flung myself in front of her, stopping her dead in her tracks. She stared up at me with a worried look in her eyes that caused my ecstatic grin to falter slightly. I placed both hands on her shoulders, giving her a reassuring look.

"What's so bad about that?" I asked, a grin still plastered on my face. I was honestly very confused by the way she was acting. She was massively into Ariana, so why would she not want to be her girlfriend?

"Nothing, I really want to, it's just, what if I'm not good enough for her and she gets sick of me and dumps me for some super model?"

"Are you kidding me? Look, if she dumps you it's her loss because I know damn well that you are ten times better than any super model, except maybe for Naomi Campbell, but you get what I mean."

"Yeah, you're right, Naomi Campbell is unbeatable. And, um I suppose you're also kinda right about the other stuff too," she mumbled, her frown changing instantly to a goofy smile that just proved my point. She was no super model, but she was Sarah and that's reason enough to want to be with her.

If I were straight, I would......that's all I'm saying.

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