27. Rough Realisations.

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"Billy! Please tell your boyfriend that he cannot fucking sing for shit."

"Hey! Don't say shit like that. Im sensitive. Plus, I do Justin Bieber justice with my impeccable skills."

"Oh boo-fucking-hoo. Billy, what the hell do you see in this guy?"

"Woah woah woah, who's talking? The best friend to the boyfriend? News flash honey, I'm better than you. Right baby?"

"Please don't bring me into this. I love you both equally."

"See. He said he loves me more than you."

"Hey! Bill, how could you?!"

"That's not what I said! Can the both of you please just shut the fuck up already?"

Silence. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Ok, so yeah, Sarah doesn't particularly like Thomas. This may have been a terrible mistake but there's no going back now is there?

I wish there was though.

I'm not exactly sure why but Sarah seems to have a vendetta against Thomas and I'm also not sure why but, my boyfriend seems to have the same feelings of hatred. Or, oh wait no, definitely hatred.

I look over at him and he's pouting. God he's so cute, I'd kiss him if he didn't hate my best friend. No, just kidding, sorry Sarah but those lips, they're irresistible. His eyes are locked on the scenery passing us by out the window, the blur of dark greens and browns going by in a flash.

"Ok. This is just fucking stupid. Why do you hate him Sarah?"

"W-what I don't, I mean, maybe I-it's just—"

"Spit it out already," I snap, glancing at her in the rear view mirror to find her chewing on her lower lip in frustration, her eyes panicky. Her eyes move to Thomas for a split second through the mirror before returning to the road. Thomas notices and stares back at her expectantly.

"Ok, I'd rather not do this while driving but whatever, if we crash, we crash. Ok, listen here pretty boy, if you ever, and I mean ever, hurt Billy in any way I will personally see to it that you are burned at the stake, got it? Trust me buddy, I know a guy. Oh, and don't think that I won't crash this car right here and now just to hurt you because I will, and if I die, I'm taking you with me."

"Ok, y-yeah."

"Good. We're cool now, you're hot so I suppose you're good enough."

"At least we see eye to eye on something," I remark, my once frankly bitchy tone replaced with a softer, affectionate one as I look at Thomas who turns to me instantly with an appreciative smile and a wink. Sarah scoffs at our cuteness and returns her eyes to the road just in time to swerve out of the way of a woman crossing the street.

"Sarah!" Thomas and I scream at her in unison and she ignores us, instead rolling down her window while driving past to shout at the poor woman who's life surely just flashed before her eyes.

"Learn to look both ways Bitch," she shouts, the woman scowling back at us but before she can retaliate, we're ten feet away and speeding down the street again.

"Jesus Sarah, could you at least try to be civil," I scold her, leaning up and swatting at her head from behind. She pinches my hand and I pull back with a wince, Thomas taking my hand in his and rubbing it comfortingly making Sarah gag.

"No Bill. And plus, you should know by now that my middle name is practically road rage," Sarah replies casually. Yeah, road rage times one thousand.

"Wait. So you're always this.....cruel?" Thomas asks obliviously, his eyes scanning over Sarah like she's got two heads. Oh, I forgot. This boy knows practically nothing about the dark and twisted mind of Sarah Schafer.

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