18. Aliens And Sexual Tension.

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"Are we there yet?" I sigh, begging Thomas to carry me with my puppy dog eyes but he still refuses.

"Do you see a waterfall in front of you?" He asks Mayer of factly, his tone betraying how frustrated he was getting with my constant whining.

I look back to the trail to get the answer to his question. No waterfall. Brilliant. This better be fucking worth it. I mean, even if we turned back now I wouldn't really care because of what Thomas and I did not so long ago up against a tree.

And, can I just say, for the record, it was fucking incredible. I still can't believe it. I hadn't realised before how truly, horny he was? No, that's not the right word for it. Ah, how enamoured he was by me. It was almost like he was getting high off of just being able to touch me. I know I was. And the feeling of his tongue in my mouth. Oh sweet Jesus, I'll never forget that feeling. Honestly, I was starving, for food, beforehand, but after that, I was full to the brim.

Ever since, Thomas's fingers have been interlocked with mine, leading us to wherever it is we're going. I can't help but relish in the feeling of his hand around mine, the warmth and softness of his touch trapping me in a haze of pure, unbridled bliss.

A smile that almost hurt, has been plastered on my face ever since his lips met that sensitive spot underneath my ear. I couldn't see it to know for certain, but I'm fairly sure that there are trails of hickeys leading up to it, and down to the collar of my T-shirt. I ignore the rising concern for the fact that they are probably, no definitely, very visible.

The questions my parents are bound to ask are not things I particularly want to answer.

Oh yeah, mom, dad, I know you're probably thinking that these are from my hot, sexy girlfriend who is one hundred percent a girl and all, but really they're from Thomas Baker, yep, that boy is a menace, what can I say. But damn is he good at making me feel like I'm on the verge of something unimaginably spectacular every time he merely touches me.

The conversation plays over and over in my head, different situations every time. Me lying, me telling the truth, me crying, me laughing, my parents kicking me out, my parents loving me unconditionally. The list goes on and on really.

My unsatisfactory thoughts are broken when my head meets Thomas's chest, gaining a strained grunt and a light chuckle from him as he looks down at me with a playful grin.

He snakes his arms around my waist, pulling my bottom half flush against him. I place one hand on his waist and the other on his chest, my index finger tracing circles in the fabric of his tight fitting T-shirt. He reaches one of his hands up from my waist, cupping my cheek with it and I can't help but lean into his touch, his hand soft against my skin.

"What's wrong baby?" He asks, his tone and furrowed brows showing how worried he truly he was. How much he truly cared.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I lie, hoping he wouldn't see through it. But, who am I kidding. Of course he'll see through it.

"You're not a very good liar B, tell me, I'll get it out of you either way," he whispers seductively, running his tongue over his bottom lip that I so desperately wanted to taste. He knew what he was doing to me, smirking deviously at me as my eyes studied his lips. I snapped out of it when he cleared his throat, my eyes darting back to his immediately.

"I-it's just," I whisper, his hand rubbing my cheek comfortingly. I move my hand that was resting in his chest and bring it to my neck, running it over the marks that littered it. When my fingers met the one at my ear I almost moaned in pleasure, biting my lip to hold it back. He smiles at that but doesn't say anything, giving me an encouraging look.

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