4. Paralysed.

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"I'm sorry? What the fuck did you just say?" Is a whole bunch of words that I would've said, but for some reason I didn't. In fact, I was finding it exceptionally hard to say anything at all. I swallowed back the lump in my throat as my heart raced in my ears, drowning out my thoughts that fought so desperately to be conjured into words.

Suddenly, something warm placed itself on my thigh. I jumped slightly as the feeling of warmth radiating from it engulfed me. I directed my gaze downwards to find a hand, gently grasping my thigh. Is it weird that I found the hand attractive? Yes....but then again the right hands can be insanely hot.........

Snap out of it you sex deprived dumbass!!

The hand retracted itself after another moment had passed. I didn't bother looking to see where it went or even where it came from. Instead my eyes were glued to the exact spot it had touched. It felt odd, and almost cold without the hand there to provide warmth.

Why the fuck was I feeling this way? It's a hand. Get over it. Wait. But who does the hand belong to?! That doesn't matter! Why would you say that? Of course it matters. Who owns the hand? The voices in my head argued, drowning out my thoughts once more. They do have a point though. Who is this mystery person who placed their hand on my thigh?

Well why don't you find out? I tried. My eyes wouldn't budge. They remained stuck on my thigh, unable to look anywhere else. I felt paralysed.

The voices arguing raged on as I struggled to hear anything over them. In a moment of silence between words though I could swear I heard another voice. It was obviously a lot quieter than the other voices but yet I could still vaguely hear it, calling out my name. Why was it calling my name?

The voice began to get louder and louder and it felt like it's source was getting closer. It continued to call my name and my concern grew as it's worried tone struck me. Soon, it was the only voice I could hear. Gradually, it began to get quieter until it was merely just a whisper.

"Billy......Billy?" It said for what I swear must've been the hundredth time. Thankfully, I found myself being able to move my eyes again. I let out a long sigh of pure relief as I let them scan my room. Immediately, they landed on him. The source of the voice and the owner of the hand. Thomas.

Suddenly, it all came flooding back to me like a fucking tidal wave. What he said just moments ago. How he didn't feel the same hate that I did for him. How he had called my face, to be specific, cute. And, he didn't even sound like he was kidding.

He was staring at me, his eyes never leaving me, not for a second. I noted the worry in them when they met mine. It was soon replaced with relief.

"Hey," he said, his voice a little shaky as he continued to stare at me with those deep blue eyes. "You okay? It's like you just disappeared for a second."

He was right. I had disappeared. Where to? I'm not entirely sure.

"I'm fine, just really tired," I said, actually not lying as a real yawn escaped my mouth. "Oh, and I'm not just trying to make you go away this time," I said honestly.

He started to bite down on his bottom lip, which I immediately noticed. It was like I was drawn to it. I realised it was what he did when he was frustrated. Why would he be frustrated?

"Now that you mention it," he muttered, letting out a clearly faux yawn, "I am getting a little sleepy myself."

Slowly but surely, he shuffled across my bed to the edge, hopping down and onto his feet. Now, he towered over me like a skyscraper. He slowly sauntered across the room, all the way to the door.

He stopped when he reached it, turning to face me. Immediately, his eyes found mine, their beauty still visible in the dimly lit space.

"Don't forget what I said," he stated, pointing his index finger at me demandingly yet it felt oddly comfortable, "and it's not just your face you know? I could admire you all day."

With that he turned around and left, leaving the door open by an inch, just how I liked it.


"Morning sunshine," an all too familiar voice cheered as I entered the kitchen. I ignored him and headed to the fridge to find something to fill my empty stomach.

I had only gotten up a few minutes ago so I was still in my pyjamas. I hadn't slept all that much last night, as I was too busy wondering what In the hell Thomas was up to. Was this all just some elaborate scheme to trick me into liking him? Because, if it was, it was sadly working. Don't get me wrong, I still hated him. But, I also didn't. Let's just say he was growing on me.

I didn't want to turn around and have to face him. Instead, I let my eyes scan over every last piece of food in the fridge. Suddenly, cheese and yoghurt became extremely interesting to me.

Footsteps began making their way towards me as I read the label on the yoghurt, only to discover that it was dairy free. That's literally the whole point of a yoghurt.

The footsteps had stopped and I began to wonder if he'd left. Unfortunately, he didn't. The fridge slammed closed, revealing Thomas standing right beside it. He'd been blocked from view by the door.

There was a cheeky grin on his face that melted my heart. God damn him and his charm!

"You've been standing there for the past five minutes. I'm sure it's not that hard to find something to eat," he remarked, his grin never fading.

I reluctantly chose to ignore him as I pushed past him to get a spoon. I'd decided to try the yoghurt. I knew it would definitely be disgusting but there were no better options.

When I had retrieved my spoon I opened the yoghurt, hoping that it wouldn't cause me to throw up. I took the tiniest amount that I could on the spoon just to be safe.

I regretted it the minute I tasted it. In fact, I did almost throw up. I rushed over to the sink once I'd finally swallowed it, running my tongue under the water to try and get did of the god awful after taste.

"That was fucking disgusting," I stated, once I'd finished rinsing my tongue. I walked over to the bin, throwing the yoghurt in it. There goes my breakfast and my appetite.

"You're so over dramatic," he said, clearly trying to hold back his laughter. I decided not to ignore him anymore.

"Well then why don't you try it. See how you like it when your life flashes before your eyes," I grumbled, pushing past him once more to get out of the kitchen. I needed to get ready, I was going to meet Sarah in an hour for a coffee. She wanted to tell me even more about Ariana.

"How did you sleep? I know I didn't sleep a wink. Your brother snores like a fucking elephant," he said, as I reached the door.

"Same, oh and I find smothering him helps....with the snoring," I said, turning to leave. But not before I caught sight of another, even bigger, grin spreading itself across his face.

As I made my way upstairs to my room I suddenly realised that no one else was even awake yet, other than Thomas and I. Strange....almost like someone wanted he and I to spend a little more time together. I brushed the thought away as I entered my room.

I quickly changed into an appropriate outfit before leaving my room, heading downstairs. I was just about to open the front door when I felt my phone *buzz* in my pocket. I pulled it out swiftly, turning it on only to be hit with disappointment.

Hey, sorry can't make it today. Family shit. Also, I may have big Ariana news! I'll tell u Monday.

I had to admit, I was left feeling pretty annoyed after reading the text but I was equally happy as well. I really had high hopes for this Ariana girl. I hope she lives up to them.

Because if she doesn't, and she breaks my best friends heart. So help me God, I will hunt her to the ends of the earth.

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