37. B Quiet.

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The title ain't a typo btw, it's like Thomas calls Billy 'B' idk I thought it would make sense, cut me some slack I'm running low on titles.

Smutty smutty smut ahead ;)

"Fuck, we should've done this ages ago." I expected a snarky reply or at least some kind of back talk. It's kind of what you expect when you say 'make me.' Guess everything's not like it is in the movies after all. Although, I can't really complain. The way those words fall from Thomas's lips as he rips open my bedroom door is something I never want to forget.

"I thought we were being quiet?"

His face flushes and I can't help but notice the shy smile that appears as he shuts the door behind us.

"Oh yeah, my bad B. Although if you want to make me shut up I really wouldn't have a problem with that."

"Oh I can definitely do that."

I almost expect him to throw me onto the bed, but instead he spins around and sits down. I know almost instantly what he wants and have to physically stop myself from becoming too giddy with anticipation. I move so that I'm straddling him and I have to adjust myself quickly as my pants only grew tighter when I was on top of him.

He removes his hands from their exploration of my skin and uses them to lean back and support himself on the bed. He's far enough away from my face now that I can finally get a good look at him. He stares back at me with hooded eyes and with his bottom lip sucked between his teeth. His shirt hangs low on his shoulder where I tugged at it in order to mark him and the sight almost makes me dizzy.

"I'm all yours B. Wish I could say we can be as loud as we want, but I can't. Promise I'll make you scream next time. And trust me, you will."

"Yeah I'm sure you will. Enough chit chat, shirt off."

"Alright mister bossy pants."

Oh, that most definitely did not just come out of his mouth. I wait for him to tear his shirt over his head before taking his breath away, not even giving him two seconds before my lips are devouring his. He tastes divine, and my hands find his hair to keep him close. His hands however, tug at the hem of my shirt and I curse him silently for it. His actions force me to pull away, the one thing I barely had the will power to do. His lips are red and he's panting, which is as much of a pretty sight as I had anticipated.

I take off my shirt finally and don't miss the way he almost jumps for joy, running his hands over my skin before I even have the chance to pull it all the way over my head.

"God, you're practically like a kid in a candy store."

"No B. You're sweeter than candy...fuck." He half moans the last part and his smile is so wide it must hurt. I can't help but mirror it. God we must look ridiculous. His eyes are glued to my torso and he seems to like what he sees, if what I can feel growing beneath me is any indication.

His lips are back on mine like a magnet, and his hands find their way to my zipper like...well like an even stronger magnet.

I pull away after what seems like hours but could only have been a few minutes, even though his lips are like a drug, and stand. He practically whines in protest and reaches out for me, which I ignore as I begin taking off my pants, leaving everything else on for now. He surely enjoys the show and by the time I'm finished, his jeans are discarded along with mine somewhere on the floor, the thin material of his boxers doing nothing to hide what's underneath.

"God, baby you look incredible." He reaches out again and I try to escape but he catches me, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me back between his legs. I stay standing and don't protest when he slowly kisses his way down my chest and stomach, leaving my skin red hot to the touch and my mind completely scrambled. My eyes become heavy as his hands draw circles on my back, easing away any last trace of tension I had left.

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