23. Stand Your Ground.

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The cafe is quiet when Thomas and I enter, me leading us to where Maya and I usually sit in the very back corner, away from everyone else.

As we take our seats, the memories of the first time I met Maya come rushing back to me. I saw her sitting here and was tempted to leave but the minute I entered, we made eye contact and any thoughts of running away left me immediately. We had the same hazel eyes, the one thing it seems both of us got from our father.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and Maya's made me feel relaxed when I approached her, that feeling not lasting very long as when I was seated she immediately started yelling at me. So much so that the manager had to come over and scold us for disturbing the other customers. And I'll tell you, if looks could kill, that man would be six feet under by now from Maya's deadly stare.

I almost laughed at the look on his face, the way he paled instantly and scurried away like a scared rabbit. After that, I took my chance to explain my situation, Maya trying and failing to take her anger out on me multiple times but I just kept talking.

When I finally finished my explanation, she was silent. I shut my eyes tight, preparing for her to probably attack me. But she didn't, I opened my eyes when she let out a long sigh, surprised to find her outstretched hand, her expression telling me to shake it. So I did.

"I'm Maya."

"I'm B-Billy."

"I still dislike you, you know?"

"Duly noted."

And with that, we were chatting like we were old friends who hadn't seen each other in years. I hadn't really talked to anyone like I talked to her since I met Sarah. Hell, I barely even said a word to my family, and it seemed like in that moment, I'd said more to Maya than I had to anyone in my family that whole year.

Maya's defensive demeanour fell the more we spoke and eventually, she couldn't stop talking. She told me everything about her, and I listened. And when she finally told me the story of what our dad did, how he left without a word and her mother received the divorce papers in the mail a week later, I was shocked to my core. At the time, I couldn't believe how my dad could be so cruel and have no visible remorse for his actions. But now, I'm not so naive.

Thomas wraps his arm around my shoulder and I freeze, shooting him a questioning look that he shrugs off, pulling me closer so that my head rests on his shoulder. I was surprised by the sudden action, especially since we're in public and someone could recognise us and possibly out Thomas, like that Bitch Mrs Carlson did to me. Yeah, I'm still not over that so if you're reading this you nosy Bitch, just know that I'm coming for you.

He kisses the top of my head and rubs his hand up and down my arm comfortingly. I snake my hand between his thighs but he swats it away, grunting his disapproval. I pull away to look at him and he shakes his head at me.

"We don't mix business with pleasure B," he scolds, his tone soft but demanding.

"Business?" I ask, confused with his peculiar choice of words.

"Well yeah, I'm meeting your sister or stepsister or whatever and I just need to treat it like a kind of business meeting because if I treat it like I'm meeting your sister then I get nervous because what if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't think I'm good enough for you? Wha-"

I cut off his rambling by placing a quick kiss to his lips, placing a hand on his chest to comfort his racing heart. I pull away and give him a small, reassuring smile.

"She's going to love you idiot, now stop worrying so much, you're perfect," I scold lightly, my smile growing when I see his worried expression turn to one of relief. He wraps his arm back around my shoulder and I snuggle against him.

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