17. Those Poor Squirrels.

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"What's going on?"

"What's wrong?"

"Where the fuck are you going?"

I can still hear Sarah and Lila's distant questions as I exit Lila's house abruptly, I can hear them following me so I start to run. I'm slow but still faster than Sarah. I'm not sure about Lila but it's not like she's a track star right? Shit. I probably should've checked that before fucking speeding off.

Why am I running? Well, when the boy you like tells you he needs you in a very ominous manor over text, you run bitch. I didn't have time to say anything to my friends. Actually, I probably should've at least told them where I was going. I'm an idiot. Oh well, it would be weird if I turned back now so, onward!

Onward to where? Thomas's house. He'd texted me after sending that frankly worrying message letting me know that he was at his house.

So, was that where he was all day? Why didn't he come to school? So many questions. Too many questions. And I'll be sure to get very in depth answers when I get there.

Thomas didn't live too far away from Lila, thankfully, because if I had to run more than a mile, I'd die of a heart attack. Probably. I'd rather not find out, but considering that I can barely breathe after at least two blocks, I'm fucked.

I'd only been to Thomas's house once or twice, before we were on good terms. Or in other words, when I despised him with every fibre of my being. Yeah, that's more like it. Why would I even want to set foot in his house? Yes, well, you see, the Baker's are quite the social bunch. More so Thomas's parents than him, but still, social nonetheless. They'd invited us, as in my entire family, over for dinner a couple times.

It was awkward, well, for me it was. For everyone else? Well, my parents seemed to enjoy them, getting along quite well with Mr and Mrs Baker. Asher, well he didn't pay attention to anyone else but Thomas so who knows. Laura, she asked the questions no one else was brave enough to ask. Like the only one that I actually wanted to ask, "when can we go?" Oh how much I would've loved to ask that. And to know the answer because my parents would just shrug and say, "soon." Soon?! Yeah, fast forward about five hours and we'd still be there. Fucking torture.

Laura and I had to make do with each other seen as Thomas is an only child, lucky bastard, no offence to my little sister, but my brother? Yeah, I mean offence. A lot of offence.

We'd talk, mostly, about things she liked. You know, princesses, unicorns, shit like that. Then rarely, extremely rarely, we'd talk shit about people. It was frankly the best part. She'd talk shit about the teachers she didn't like and the other kids in her grade that were bitches, but she just called them "meanies," which I found to be the cutest fucking thing ever.

I, on the other hand, talked shit about, well, Thomas. Only Thomas. I don't know how I didn't realise I was obsessed with him sooner. Laura pointed it out but I just shrugged it off, not thinking too much of it. In hindsight, I probably should've.

Ok, back to the present, where I am currently freaking the fuck out.

What if something happened to him? Something bad. I keep thinking that. I want to stop, telling myself everything's perfectly fine. But then why did he seem scared in that text message. I can't stop. I don't even look up from the ground when I cross the street. A car colliding with me frankly the least of my worries at the moment. My only thoughts are of Thomas.

The horrific image of his mystical blue eyes filled with tears consumes me. I can't hold back the tears that now seem to be running down my cheeks when I see them.

I wipe them away with my sleeve and try to compose myself. I can't let him see me like this. It'll just make things worse for him if he's already in pain.

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