3. Unreciprocated Feelings.

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"What the fuck are you doing asshat?! Do you even know what fucking time it is?" I whispered, making sure my tone came across as nothing more than extremely pissed off.

I had decided to completely ignore what Thomas had said when he noticed me staring. I knew, even if I answered the question with a firm "No" he wouldn't believe me. Honestly, deep down I'm not even sure if I would believe me either.

"Yes, I know what fucking time it is. Unfortunately though, my bladder doesn't. Where the hell is the bathroom?" He blurted out, all in one breath. I knew the answer to his question, obviously, I just didn't really feel like answering him.

"It's too late for this shit," I groaned, rubbing my eyes and letting out a faux yawn, "I'm going back to bed. I think you're perfectly capable of finding a bathroom all by yourself." With that said, I turned around, slowly walking back into my room.

I slowly started to close my door as to not make too much noise. To my surprise, a foot stuck itself in the way, preventing me from closing the door completely. I let out a sigh of frustration as I swung open the door, not at all surprised to find Thomas standing in front of me, hands firmly on his hips. His mesmerising eyes like daggers piercing me.

He glanced over my shoulder to stare at the door that was situated just behind me. The door that led to my bathroom. I once again took the time to analyse him. My eyes trailed down his toned torso, moving further and further down until they were met with a pair of abs that made my heart skip a beat. I was tempted to reach out and touch them but snapped myself out of it before I did something I'd regret.

"What's in there?" Thomas asked, his tone becoming more impatient.

"Nothing, it's just my closet," I answered, maybe a bit too quickly, like I'd been preparing the answer in my head. He clearly saw through my lies. His eyes locked with mine again, I glanced down to see him biting his bottom lip in frustration. The action distracted me for a second but soon I let my eyes find his again.

"You're a fucking terrible liar, you know that?" He stated, raising his right hand from his hip to point at my actual closet, situated on the opposite side of the room. A grin crept its way onto his face as he stared at me. I felt myself slowly crumbling under his gaze.

"I'm presuming it's a bathroom," he said, the tone of his voice less mocking than I'd expected it to be. I could feel the rage building up inside of me. I knew I couldn't lash out now though as it would surely wake some people up.

Reluctantly, I slowly moved aside to let Thomas enter my room, which he did without a moment of hesitation. "Fine, it's a bathroom," I snapped, "just be quick and don't make too much noise seen as you decided you needed to pee at such an ungodly hour."

Again, without hesitating he quickly made his way to the door, opening it slowly to step inside and closing it slowly again behind him.

I felt awkward just standing in the doorway waiting for him to leave so I tiptoed back to my bed, slowly crawling back into it and throwing the blankets over me. I switched on the lamp sitting on my nightstand as I probably wouldn't be able to sleep for a while now that I was fully awake.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand, turning the device on. The brightness shocked my eyes at first as it took a second to adjust. I debated texting Sarah as she would probably be up considering it was a Friday night and she basically had no sleep schedule. But I didn't as I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself and I'd probably end up staying up all night.

Instead I opened up instagram, mindlessly scrolling through random peoples stories and posts. While my mind was on the topic I tapped on the search bar, slowly typing in Thomas' name. I'd never actually seen his instagram profile before and was interested in seeing what bullshit someone like him would post.

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