14. Wake Up Call.

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I had to wait a couple minutes before actually going inside my house. Why, you may ask? Oh, well I just had to wait for the clear and very obvious tent in my pants to, let's just say, calm down.

And, I know, you're probably also wondering why I got a boner just from kissing someone, that someone being Thomas if we weren't already clear on that. Well, it's simple. All I really wanted to do in that car was rip his clothes off, to put it mildly.

That's why I had to think about boobs and other things not associated with Thomas before I could finally enter my house.

I kissed Thomas Baker. And I can tell you one thing for sure. It was definitely better than Holly Thorn.

I'm not sure what it is exactly but I almost feel like I've unlocked a new part of myself, a part that was dormant for so long, waiting for me to take things into my own hands.

It was like the minute my lips met his, something inside of me was like, 'This is what we've been waiting for,' and it's right. I've waited since I was nine years old for this. I've fantasised about it, with imaginary people obviously. It didn't feel how I thought it would though, it felt better. I mean, I was about to dial 9-1-1 for how fast my fucking heart was beating.

Deep down, I couldn't wait to do it again, and again, and again, and again. To test my limits, like how long it would take me until I actually went into cardiac arrest.

For the first time, in a long time, I felt good? No, I felt fucking Marvellous!

When I'd adjusted the bulge in my pants, I finally entered the house, feeling the warmth engulf me as I walked in, hanging up my coat. I could hear voices in the living room and I knew my whole family was home seen as my parents' and Asher's cars were in the driveway.

I wasn't really in the mood for interacting with my family but I thought I should probably inform them as to where I've been, of course, leaving out the details of what happened just a few minutes ago. And, pretty much everything that I did today. I'd have to lie. That should be pretty easy.

Fun fact, gay people are masters at lying. After all, we've been lying to ourselves most of our lives, and then we have to lie to other people about our sexualities. Trust me, I'm very experienced in that field.

To my family I'm a perfect little straight boy who is going to grow up and marry a lovely woman who will then give me lots of babies. I could almost topple over laughing at the idea.

Has anyone ever actually noticed how weird straight people are? No offence, I'm just saying.

How can straight women actually let men anywhere near them? Straight men are disgusting girls. Not all of them, but most of them are. Oh, and you already know that larger percentage wants things to go back to how they were in the eighteenth century.

Just a gay boy spitting facts. Anyway, I turned the corner and entered the living room, my parents sitting side by side on the sofa while Laura sat cross-legged on the floor and Asher was sprawled out on the armchair, looking like he'd fall asleep any minute.

Laura showed me a beaming smile when she caught sight of me, not moving from her position on the floor. Asher didn't even notice me but my parents both gave me equally welcoming smiles, my mother waving me over to sit beside her on the sofa.

I complied and made my way over to her, sitting down as she turned to me.

"Hey honey, how are you?" She asks, kissing me on the cheek lovingly and giving me a small smile.

"Hey mom, everything's good." Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious.

"How's Sarah? You know you two should hang out here more often I haven't seen her in ages," she states, confusing the hell out of me. Why is she asking me about Sarah?

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