6. Don't Drink And Text.

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I'm falling for a football player. I am frankly disappointed in myself for letting this happen but I mean come on, it was only a matter of time.

Yes. I'm gay. If you're shocked by that statement then you're fucking stupid. Yes. I am in fact gay but no one knows, except of course for Sarah. To everyone else I was straight and I was damn good at acting like it. It may have made me hate myself just a little, but it was what I had to do to survive.

My family are completely oblivious to the fact that my preferred sexual orientation is men, but I don't think they'd care all that much. My siblings definitely wouldn't but my parents on the other hand, might be slightly trickier.

I wasn't exactly planning on coming out any time soon. I wanted to wait until I was out of high school at least. For now though, I was happy in my little gay bubble. Population, me and Sarah.

She's bisexual. She told me when we were 12 but said that she knew since she was 8. She came out to her family a day or two after me. Ever since then it's pretty much been public knowledge. Sarah Schafer is bisexual, and surprisingly no one could give two shits.

We sat in complete silence in her car, the only sound being some random depressing song playing on the radio. It wasn't awkward silence. It was actually kind of nice, just to not have to make conversation. Both of us were extremely chatty so it was nice to just not have to talk for a while.

We had arrived at my house a while ago but I was reluctant to go in as I was being forced to babysit Laura, my 4 year old sister, who I love like any brother would love his sister, but she can be a little much sometimes. Sarah let me stay in the car for a little while longer before letting out a long, exasperated sigh that indicated that I should probably get the fuck out of the car, which I did.

I waved goodbye to her which she mirrored as she pulled off, speeding down the road in the direction of her house. It wasn't always a pleasure to drive with her actually as she goes way past the speed limit. Personally, I'm surprised she even still has a license.

I turned, swiftly making my way to the front door. The action brought back memories of me and Thomas, when I still wanted to murder him.

I entered through the door, closing it behind me. I walked into the kitchen to find my mom, dad, and Laura all clearly waiting for someone. That someone being me. My parents were dressed rather nicely which made me remember that they were going on a date. Yes. They've been married for 23 years and they still go on dates. Oh, to have love like that.

My mom looked distressed as I entered the room, she immediately turned to look me in the eyes. "Where the hell have you been?" She questioned, her tone a mix of worry and irritation.

"I told you. Me and Sarah stayed back to study in the library. Sorry, I know we ran a little late."

"It's fine," my dad muttered, coming over to me and patting me on the shoulder, "you're mother and I have somewhere to be though," he stated, turning to look at her. She instantly perked up, grabbing her purse and walking over to link arms with my dad.

They walked over to the front door, Laura and I following. "Now, Asher's staying at a friends so Laura, Billy's in charge," my mother said, staring at my little sister, she then looked up to meet my gaze, "there's some leftover lasagne in the fridge and you know the deal, she goes to sleep at 8, no later. Got it?"

"Yes mom I got it."

"Good," she said, placing a kiss on my cheek before turning to Laura and placing a kiss on her cheek as well.

"Behave for your brother ok? And no ice cream." Of course, we would in fact be having ice cream, she just didn't have to know that.

"Bye guys," they both said simultaneously as they exited the house. "Bye, don't have too much fun," I muttered before closing the door behind them.

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