16. Need For Speed But Gay.

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We back in Billy's POV people

It's Monday. Someone kill me please. The weekend went by in the blink of an eye and now here I am, at my locker, just like I am every morning. I'm waiting for Sarah and Lila to get here but I feel like I've been waiting a bit too long.

Thomas and I talked a lot over the weekend. On the phone of course. The kiss was never really mentioned though, which did make me doubt that it ever really happened. But then how come I can remember it in such detail? I know it happened because I can still feel the ghost of his lips on mine. And damn does it feel good.

Sarah and Lila were practically begging for details on what happened on Friday with Thomas but me being me, I didn't tell them shit. Hell, I hadn't talked to either of them since that day. I had about twenty missed calls from both of them and about a hundred or so unread texts from Sarah. So nosy.

I texted them to meet me at my locker earlier this morning which is why I'm standing here, awkwardly waiting for them to show up so I can spill the tea.

I know I made it seem like I hated them being so nosy and prying me for details, but in reality I did actually become tempted to just tell them over the weekend but I stopped myself because I wanted to do it in person. The only other person I had contact with over the weekend was Thomas.

We stayed up to all hours of the night just texting. And, he called me again Sunday morning, and again this morning. I think it's kind of a thing now, him calling me to wake me up. It's why for the first time, in a long time, I'm actually happy to wake up in the morning. I kinda hate myself a bit for it though because my body isn't used to actually wanting to get out of bed. I know I'll get used to it eventually though.

I enjoy that when I wake up the first thing I do is talk to him. It makes me feel like he's there with me, even though he's not. Not yet.

In fact, I hadn't really done anything other than talk to Thomas over the past couple of days. It was heaven. Or at least what I imagine heaven to be like, not that I'll ever see the real thing. I'm going to hell. See you bitches there.

I hadn't seen him yet, which surprised me because he was usually huddled around his football buddies at his locker by now. At first I was worried and was tempted to text him but then I realised that's weird and stopped myself. I'm sure he's fine. Just fine. Peachy.

Ok I'm freaking out. Where the fuck is he? It's fine Billy, he's fine. But what if he's not. I mean, what if.......what if he came out to his parents? What if he's now en route to some conversion therapy camp where they'll torture him until he magically turns straight. No. That's crazy. Stop being stupid. I'm sure he's fine. God why do I keep saying that? Fine? Yes he's fine. Fuck.

Calm down, take deep breathes. In out, in out, in out. Ok, snap the fuck out of it you imbecile. He can handle himself. Plus, he sounded happier than usual when he called me this morning. There's no way anything bad happened in the span of like two hours? Right? Right. Definitely.

I may be overreacting.

I'm definitely overreacting. What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm so dumb.

"Billy!" A voice shouts, snapping me out of my insane thoughts. I turn to see who it is and am grateful to see that it's Sarah. She doesn't look happy to see me though. Lila is trailing behind her, wearing a worried expression. Oh boy. Here we go. Within seconds, Sarah is right in front of me, staring at me like I just killed her dog or something. I didn't, but still.

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