31. Today's The Day, Part 1.

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I have returned. Yes you are in fact not hallucinating folks. My temporary and frankly extended hiatus is officially over!!!

Enjoy ;)

"Mr Anderson I hope you're paying attention? This is very important material young man."

Girl shut the fuck up. When the hell am I ever, and I mean ever, going to need to know the circumference of a refrigerator multiplied by the sum of how many apples Janet bought at the market?

Wait....that's not right. Ok so maybe I'm actually not paying attention in the slightest but can you blame me?

Today is the day after all.

"You ok? You're not going to go berserk on me or anything are you?" Lila whispers from her desk which is thankfully right beside mine. This not only helps for us to talk but also for me to copy her answers.

Yes, I'm shit at math. Sue me. Lila is the only reason I actually pass this worthless, bullshit class at this point.

"Yeah I'm all good. I'll be better when we can actually get out of here though." She shoots me a knowing look and I can't help but wonder how she saw through my lie. I thought I could hide them better than that.

"Alright fine, I'm literally dying of anxiety right now. Ya happy?" Lila doesn't take kindly to my snarky tone and raises her hands in mock surrender. I roll my eyes at the unnecessary action and give her a half assed apologetic look that seems to suffice.

"I don't blame you Bill. Today is the day after all. Today's the day that—"

Lila's words are cut short by the ear shattering bell that finally marks the end of this horrific torture that can somehow pass for a legitimate class.

"Yeah yeah, today's the day," I sigh, collecting my things and rising from my seat as quickly as possible. The rest of our classmates are streaming out of the door and Lila and I follow suit. Trust me, no one wants to be here longer than they have to. Not if they want to have a one on one with Ms bitch-face about how they should study more or pay more attention in class, like really girl? Who the fuck even cares?

The hallway is packed with students and I have to actually get on my tippy toes to see over the outrageous crowd. God if only I were taller. The things I could do with even one more inch. Curse you Paul for your shitty fucking genes.

"Have people forgotten how to use their legs or something?! They're not even moving Bill," Lila whispers sharply in my ear. I nod my head profusely in agreement.

I swing my head around to see if there is anywhere else we could go but lone behold there isn't a tile on the floor that doesn't have at least five people standing on it. In other words, we're trapped.

Out of nowhere, screams and cheers fill the hallway and I can almost feel everyone's ears perk up at the sound. They're coming from a few feet in front of us and the more I listen the more I realise that it sounds like some sort of fight. A girl screams in agony and another cheer comes from the crowd. Jesus Christ these people really are animals.

"Come on, I wanna see what's happening," I almost have to shout at Lila so she can hear me as I nudge my head in the direction of all the commotion. She doesn't look too convinced so I grab her arm and pull her with me as I push my way through the crowd.

"Hey! Watch it asshole!"

"Sorry, sorry."

"Lila don't apologise!"

It seems she's too soft for her own good. These people are in the way, who cares if I push too hard and they all fall like dominoes. It's not my fault. Ok maybe it is, but they should at least try a little harder to pay attention to their surroundings.

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