9. Underneath The Table.

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Lunch time seemed to come quicker than usual, I realised as I sat down across from Sarah in the bustling cafeteria. I eyed the suspicious looking meal that sat on a tray in front of me, the odd colour and smell of whatever it was supposed to be immediately erasing my appetite. I scrunched my nose up, cringing as the awful smell wafted in my direction. Yep. I was definitely going to pass on eating that.

I pushed the tray to the side, Sarah doing the exact same as I looked at her, the same disgusted expression on her face. The cafeteria never served anything nice, let alone anything that could actually be considered edible. The only thing that actually seemed to be good, the macaroni and cheese, turned out to be something that could literally cause a grown man to cry. Of course, I learned that from experience. That's a story for another day though.

Sarah's face suddenly contorted and I felt her tense up a bit. Her eyes were no longer looking at me or the table. Instead, they were staring off into the distance. I looked in the direction of her stare, realising quickly that she was literally just staring at the wall.

"What's got you so tense all of a sudden?" I asked, my voice calm but laced with concern. Her face was still contorted and her hands that were once folded on the table were now balled up into fists.

"I have to pee, but I'm just waiting for it to pass. I'm not bothered to walk all the way to the bathroom," she babbled, her facial expressions causing a grin to spread across my face.

"Would you rather pee yourself in front of the entire school?" I asked, my grin only widening when my eyes caught sight of the shocked look that replaced her contorted one. Her eyes connected with mine, causing me to see the distress in them. I really did not want her to pee herself. I swear it's like I'm friends with a toddler sometimes.

"Excellent point Bill, excellent point," she muttered, standing up slowly and then fast walking her way across the cafeteria, past the jocks and the cheerleaders who I noticed sat together. I never noticed that before. I watched as she scurried through the double doors on the other side of the room, focusing my attention elsewhere when she was completely obscured from view.

My eyes landed on the table that the jocks and cheerleaders were sitting at. I scanned over every last person that was there, only looking for one person in particular. Thomas. When I didn't see him I looked again, counting as I went. Ricky Wheeler, Sharon Buckley, Ashley Thorne, Paul What's-his-face, Henry dick-wad, Julia Bitch-face, my brother, and finally, Cecilia Urligter, Urlimbring, Urlafuck, whatever her last name is I literally have zero clue how to pronounce it.

And yet, still, no Thomas Baker. I wonder where he could be?

"Hey," a sweet sounding, familiar voice said. A voice that made my heart race and caused the butterflies in my stomach to go insane. Well, I guess that answers my question.

"I was wondering where you were," I laughed, shifting my gaze so that it landed on Thomas, his eyes fixed on me. He was sitting in the exact seat that Sarah had been in just moments ago. His arms were crossed over his chest, causing his biceps to bulge out of his tight jacket. I bit my lip, trying to hold back a smirk that would've definitely let on how in awe I was of him.

His eyes flitted down to my mouth the minute my teeth connected with my lip. I was beginning to realise that the effect him biting his lip had on me, me biting mine also had the same effect on him. One that sent a shiver down your spine and caused your heart to do a back flip. I revelled in the fact that just one simple action could cause him to lose all focus. The thought brought a smile to my face.

His eyes finally drifted back up to mine once I released my bottom lip. I wanted to do it for longer to test how long it could distract him but I decided not to. Some other time I hoped, not when we were in the cafeteria surrounded by prying eyes.

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