11. What Is This?

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"Oh yes, I can one hundred percent picture you with him, you guys would be so cute together," Lila exclaimed as her, Sarah and I all stared at Thomas from across the crowded corridor. He was standing in the middle of a large group of people so it was unlikely that he'd notice he was being watched. Hopefully.

After lunch, Sarah and I were basically in love with Lila so we showed her around. We also took the liberty to point out who she should be nice to if she ever needed to copy someone's work and who to avoid at all costs as they would probably kill you on the spot. So we basically just told her to be nice to the smart people and to steer clear of the cheer squad. She understood instantly.

"It's not just a crush though. They text and FaceTime like almost every night. They're basically already in a relationship," Sarah added, the excitement seeping out of her as she struggled to contain it. "Oh come on," I sighed, rolling my eyes at her absurdity, "it's not like the guys actually into me."

Sarah, without warning, slapped me across the face. It didn't hurt but I acted like it did for some reason, holding my cheek with my hand as a pained expression spread across my face.

"What the fuck'd you do that for?"

"Your overreacting Bill, I barely touched you."

"Yeah, but still. What the fuck?"

"Listen, the guy thinks you're cute, I mean he literally said it, he gave you his number and wrote a note at the bottom that said he thought you were beautiful and he basically groped you underneath a table. He's obsessed with you, so can you please stop putting yourself down because honestly babe, you're a catch and he'd be an idiot not to go out with you," Sarah's voice was a note above a whisper as she spoke but I still heard her every word. She was right, as per usual.

"Ok, I know I don't know enough about the situation but.....what she said," Lila added, the reassuring look she gave me enough to force my lips into a wide smile.

Our moment was sadly interrupted by the bell, indicating that we had to go to our next class. I let out a sigh of relief as Sarah threw her arms around both Lila and I as we made our way down the packed corridor. "What've you got now?" Sarah asked, glancing at Lila briefly before continuing navigating us through the mine field of people. "Um, Science with Ms. Aubridge, why?" Lila said, ducking her head just in time to avoid a football flying through the air.

"Oh good," Sarah exclaimed, squeezing Lila and I closer, "Bill and I've got her now too. Don't worry she's not that big of a bitch. I think she's actually letting us choose new lab partners today, that should be interesting."

"Oh?" Lila mumbled, her tone betraying how clearly uncomfortable the idea made her. I instantly understood and so did Sarah as she turned to me, a pleading look in her eyes. I nodded, not quite knowing what I was getting myself into. I found it best to just go with the flow when it came to Sarah's un-worded questions. She threw her head back in Lila's direction, a wide smile spread across her face.

"You can be my partner," she exclaimed, leaning in closer not long after to whisper something in Lila's ear. I subconsciously leaned in too to hear what she was saying, "I've been stuck with this one for way too long, he gets annoying sometimes."

"Excuse me?" I asked, a fake hurt expression on my face as I stared daggers at Sarah who reluctantly turned back to me.

"Nothing," she blurted out, her eyes filled with panic as they stared back at me. I decided to drop it for now as I definitely would've said the same thing if I were in her shoes.

We arrived at the science room in no time, funnelling in with the rest of our classmates who looked all as ecstatic as we were for the class. If you couldn't tell, I'm being sarcastic. No one fucking likes science, and if you do you have serious problems or you want to become a doctor, there's no in between. Yeah, Ms. Aubridge was an ok teacher even though she's as old as the day is long, making her pretty much on the verge of retirement. She'd been teaching almost her whole life apparently, so it wasn't much of a surprise to find that in her later years she'd basically stopped giving a shit.

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