35. Welcome To The Family.

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Sorry for the astronomically late chapter everyone. Please, blame the little demon called 'procrastination' because It's taken me a week and a half to even start this. Anyways, please enjoy!

"Fuck," I grunt underneath my breathe as Thomas crashes into me at full speed, the force of his body crashing into mine making my knees nearly buckle. It's like it all happened in slow motion and within only a second his face is buried in my neck, his arms engulfing my body entirely. I welcome his familiar warmth and slowly trail my hands up his broad back, feeling every muscle strain beneath my touch instinctively. I revel in his response to my touch and further my hands up his body until my fingers reach his head, gingerly stroking his soft hair like a lifeline.

"Mhm, we can do that later B," he whispers directly into my ear, sending a shock to my system and a wave of pleasure through my body. His lips ghost over the shell of my ear and I feel his teeth graze me before he moves his face in front of mine again.

His devilishly handsome features are like a portrait of the stars to my eyes and I think it's safe to say I'm star struck. A devious and familiar smirk plays at his lips and my eyes bounce between the enticing sight and his alluring ocean eyes like a game of ping pong.

"I missed you and your petty excuse for humour," I sigh, leaning closer to his face as he does the same, our hot breathes mingling.

Thomas chuckles at me and the sound rumbles through my body like a shockwave to my senses. His eyes stare into mine invitingly and he closes them for a second as he brings his forehead to rest against mine.

"God, I missed you too B. So much," I try not to cringe at how, well...cringe we sound right now. We haven't seen each other since yesterday after Thomas's football practice. I swear we sound like we haven't seen each other in years.

"You look like shit," my remark makes Thomas double take before scoffing and glaring playfully at me.

"You're such a terrible liar it's frankly embarrassing baby, stop embarrassing yourself please for my sake," he teases me, his voice so soft it's like music to my ears.

I'm not lying though. I'd never lie to him. He does look like shit, end of. No questions asked, he looks like absolute shit...ok maybe that's a tad bit too far, but you get my point.

"I'm not lying and you know it stupid. I'm not gonna ask, you don't have to tell me," the hurt look in his eyes is brief but doesn't go un-missed. He quickly looks away and it quickly dawns on me what must've happened. He drops his head to the crook of my neck once more, pulling me tighter against him. I let him, his hot breath fanning my neck as he speaks.

"I love you B, that's all I need anymore. I don't need them, I'll never need them again, trust me," I bury my face in his jet black hair and place tender kisses to the top of his head. I don't know why, but I expected him to break down crying, bawling his eyes out and caving in on himself in defeat. Instead, he's done the opposite, showing me how strong he is. He doesn't need to put a stern look on his face and act like nothing happened, because his words are enough to convey everything.

"You can stay here if you want. Mom might let you have the couch," my awkward suggestion causes him to chuckle, his face digging further into my neck as he does so. His arms around my waist loosen a little bit and he moves his hands up and down my back in soothing motions.

"Well that's kinda what I was planning," he mumbles almost incoherently, kicking the duffel bag by his feet, drawing my eyes to it.

I can almost see how frantically he packed it just by its appearance. The zipper isn't even all the way done and I catch a glimpse of his hoodie that I put on by accident not so long ago. My fond memories are interrupted when I feel tears on my neck. Thomas's body shakes slightly with his sobs and my hand stroking his hair comes to an abrupt stop.

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