28. Walls Are No Good Anyway.

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Thomas's POV.

TW: Minor mentions of overdose and drug use.

"Ah, Thomas my darling, you're finally here. How are you my dear? Good day at school?" My petulant mother bombards me with her shrill, nasally voice the minute her beady eyes catch sight of me under her thick, one thousand dollar Dior sunglasses. Her designer, minx fur coat is tucked tightly around her slender figure as the slight breeze hits our faces. Her glimmering Jimmy Choo heels cause her to reach my exact height, whereas when she doesn't wear them, she barely reaches my chin.

My father remains silent beside her, his suit, of whatever overly expensive brand, looks like it cost way more than necessary. But, that's my parents, my mother and her designer hand bags and dresses, and my father with his suits and watches. I swear, they care more for expensive clothes and accessories than they do me. Although, I don't really care. I stopped caring ages ago.

I was surprised to see my mother without her famous Prada bag hanging from her arm as it usually does like it's practically a third limb, but then I realised that my extravagant mother wouldn't dare bring such an item to a place like this.

The hospital.

Yeah, the fucking hospital.

Oh don't worry, my Nana's fine. Yeah, she's fine. Perfectly fine. Everything's fine. Fine and dandy. I mean, except for the fact that my cousin overdosed, again, everything is fine. Oh yes, this is the second time that I received a call from my mother telling me that Luke had overdosed. I can't help but wonder what it was this time? Cocaine? Heroin?

Last time it had been heroin.

He almost died. The doctors said that if the paramedics hadn't of found him when they did, he wouldn't have made it. Just lucky that his girlfriend wasn't stupid and actually called them when he collapsed.

See, my whole family is rich. My grandfather, on my mother's side, invested in one of those big tech companies back when they were just starting out. Apparently, he didn't expect much to come from it but just look at us now.

Luke is the son of my mother's brother and only other sibling. I have two other cousins on my mother's side, Ashley and Marissa but they're both living abroad somewhere. I think one of them is in Dubai and last I heard, the other one was in Italy. Although, they've always been spontaneous so, who knows?

Anyways, Luke and I used to be close, hell we were joined at the hip for the majority of our childhood. But, when we grew older, Luke wanted to party and go to private school and live the life of a rich person basically. That was not me in the slightest. I resented my family's money, still do.

So, Luke got his rich life and I got my relatively normal life, despite my parents blatant disapproval. My mother and father wanted me to go to a private school instead of a public high school for many reasons, the main one being that it would give me better opportunities in the future.

Yeah, thanks but no thanks. I have no interest in buying my way into a good college and then eventually a good job. I'm going to work for it, without the influence of my family's cheques.

"It was fine mom. How is Luke?" I ask her specifically as my father's phone rings and he quickly steps away from us to answer it.

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