13. Soft Like Clouds.

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"Beyoncé or Lady Gaga?"

"Fuck you."

"Oh come on, just answer the question." Ok, I know it's a bit of an evil thing to ask but I just have to be sure.

"Fine, is both an option?" Thomas asks, arching a brow as if he's just found a loophole. "No, just choose pussy," I lie, obviously both is an option. How the fuck could anyone choose? I smirk when I see the clear frustration on his face.

"You know what, no. Both, final answer," he all but shouts, clearly determined. He folds his arms across his chest, laying back in his seat comfortably. He gives me a devious smirk and I can't help but mirror it.

"Fine. Both is the correct answer anyway," I deadpan. "What?" He snaps, glaring at me in a way that would make anyone who didn't know him shake with fear. I can't help but laugh.

"Ok," I reply in between laughter, "I may have lied when I said it wasn't an option. I mean, who can actually make such a hard decision?"

They are both queens. Icons. Don't you dare try and tell me otherwise.

"Ok, my turn," he pleaded, almost sounding like a child. I swear he was five years old on the inside. I've come to learn that his personality can go from that of a child's to that of a horny teenager in an instant. It's frankly concerning but also kinda cute.

We'd been playing this game for a while now. We give two options and we have to choose one. The questions weren't really that hard to answer, especially Thomas's. His were easy, but I tried to give him a bit of a challenge. I'd succeeded multiple times in fazing him with my questions. He honestly wasn't that good at making decisions.

We hadn't been here that long, but still every couple minutes, my phone would buzz. I knew it had to be Sarah, wondering how it was going. I swear, that girl can be too nosy for her own good sometimes. God help Ariana when she learns that. I'm sure they weren't all Sarah though, some were more than likely my Mom, wondering where I was. Of course, I'd forgotten to inform her that I was 'staying back in school to study.' She didn't have to know that I was on a date, wait no, not a date, with Thomas.

"Chocolate or," he takes a moment to come up with something else, "strawberry?" Is it a coincidence that he asks that when we are sitting in the place that serves my favourite chocolate milkshake? The answer is obviously chocolate. The fruit is nice, but strawberry flavoured things are disgusting. Too sweet.

Before I can answer though, someone interrupts me. Their voice is gruff and unfamiliar, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Before he even came into view, I could already guess who it was. It's not often that I'm truly scared, but now, I'm fucking petrified.

"Well what do we have here?" The person asks, finally coming into view. Ricky Wheeler. He was on the football team so I presumed he was one of Thomas's friends. That still didn't settle my nerves though. I knew better than to trust someone like Ricky.

Ricky Wheeler. A particularly interesting individual. Not Interesting in a good way though, oh no, interesting as in 'how the fuck can someone actually act like that' that kind of interesting. It always baffled me how he somehow managed to offend so many people with such little effort. It's almost like he just did it without realising it. Yeah, that's stupid, of course he does it on purpose. He's one of those sickos who loves to watch people suffer. That's why he petrified me.

It's not like he's ever come for me. No, he wouldn't dare. Not when I'm Asher's brother. But that didn't stop him from coming for practically everyone else in the entire school, including Sarah.

That's why I disliked him so much. For a whole year, all he did was torment Sarah. It was obvious the bastard had a crush on her, but she was never interested, for obvious reasons. It finally stopped though when she slapped him in front of the entire school. That day, was one of the best days of my life. Finally getting to see Sarah standing up for herself. I could never forget the look of sheer embarrassment and somewhat fear on his face. He practically ran away crying. It was fucking hilarious.

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