10. New Girl.

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The rest of my week was spent in heaven. Well, my version of heaven at least. My days were filled with everything Thomas. We texted, called, FaceTimed, stole glances at each other during school. I even attended his football practices, my eyes following his every move. We didn't talk in school though. Not after what happened in the cafeteria.

We never really addressed it, which made me question if it even meant anything. But, things never got awkward between us so I let that thought slide. It definitely meant something to me, even if it didn't to him. The way his sharp blue eyes devoured me, the way his hand caressed my thigh, everything about that brief moment we shared was all I ever thought about.

Sarah was enjoying every second of it. Every time my phone buzzed when we were together, her ears would perk up in an instant and she would attack me with questions like who it was and if it was 'dream boy,' yes, she gave him a nickname. And, it surprisingly stuck. But, who was I to complain, it suited him. He was extremely dreamy.

Sarah and I, for once, actually had love lives. Well, not exactly love and mine was just a crush, but nonetheless, we were ecstatic about it. Ariana and Thomas slowly became our only topic of conversation.

Of course, I was just as excited about her and Ariana as she was for me. She and Ariana had had their second date, and their third, and fourth. I still was yet to meet her but Sarah assured me that I would soon. I was truly happy for Sarah. I'd never seen her so happy in all the time I'd known her. She never used to smile this much, but lately there seemed to always be one permanently plastered on her face.

Over the course of the week though, a tiny agitating and degrading voice in the back of my head slowly began to grow louder. "Thomas hates you," "he's playing you," "he's not even slightly attracted to you," "he'll never look at you like you look at him." It was honestly starting to annoy me. I knew it was lying, just trying to rile me up. But, as much as I refused to admit, it did have a point. What if it's words did hold some meaning?

I drowned it out, using the image of Thomas's smile to my advantage. His mesmerising eyes would fill my mind every time I was attacked by the voice, his deep, whispering voice that sent shivers down my spine would fill my ears when the voice attempted to sway me. Everything I liked about Thomas, which was basically every part of him, I used against the relentless voice. Eventually I ran out of things, and the voice ran out of meaningless insults.

I knew it was nothing but lies. I used to hate Thomas, not just that, I despised him. But, now I actually liked him, and I'm not afraid to admit it. Yes, there are still a few things about him that tick me off but overall, I've come to realise that Thomas Baker is not so bad after all.

"Seriously Bill?" Sarah's voice broke my train of thought. I looked over at her from across the table to see to see her mouth curved into a grin, her eyes burning into me making me shiver under her questioning gaze.

"What?" I asked, truly confused as to why she was acting like this.

She quirked her head in the direction of the table that was swarming with football players and cheerleaders, all of them laughing and chatting away rather loudly over the rest of the cafeteria. My eyes immediately locked with who I had been staring at shamelessly for the past ten minutes.

My cheeks grew hot as a blush spread across my face. I reluctantly peeled my eyes off of Thomas's giddy, laughing form to look back at Sarah who was still grinning.

"Mhm, yeah, you literally haven't taken your eyes off of him since we sat down."

"Can you blame me?"

"Yes. Look, please don't get your hopes up, I don't want you to get hurt."

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