15. Confessional.

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Surprise Bitches!! I thought I would treat you guys to a chapter in Thomas's POV. Enjoyyyyy!!

Thomas's POV

So I kissed Billy Anderson. Yes that's right. My best friends brother, Billy motherfucking Anderson. And, well I have to say, I quite enjoyed it. Actually, I more than enjoyed it, hell I fucking loved it.

The urge to deepen the kiss took over me but sadly, B pulled away. I knew it was because all his family would have to do was look out the window and they'd see us and, well, I think you can piece the rest together.

But, hold on a sec, can we just rewind and take a moment to just revel in the fact that I finally fucking kissed him!

I swear I've waited ages to do that, and the fact that he didn't reject me drove me into overdrive. I'd been hoping and praying for so long that he wouldn't stomp on my heart the minute I let my guard down, and words can't describe how truly happy I am that he didn't.

I'm happy he didn't because the truth is, I've loved Billy Anderson from the moment I first laid eyes on him.

I remember it like it was yesterday, the first time we met. Asher had introduced us not long after we became friends and I can still picture the scowl Billy wore when he saw me. I knew it was probably something he used to tell people he wasn't interested in talking to them, and maybe even to repel people. But, it just drew me closer.

It may have looked off putting to anyone else, but to me, it was the cutest fucking thing I'd ever seen. That, and his insane confidence, was what made me fall for him.

Of course though, there was the factor of how insanely hot he is. His curly brown hair that suits his equally brown eyes perfectly. Speaking of his eyes, oh my god, his fucking eyes. They're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Just one glance and I swear I could get lost in them for hours.

He's shorter than me too, like really short. I suppose that adds to the cuteness though. All I want to do is wrap him up in my arms and never let him go sometimes, actually, all the time.

He's not as muscly as me though, but I don't care. He's still perfect in my eyes.

Perfect. That word was the only word I could use that fully described him. God, I can't wait till he's mine.

Yeah, I know that sounds possessive and kinda creepy, and honestly I don't blame you.
But, I've been waiting four years for this. Uh huh, four years. Four years of him hating my guts, four years of stollen glances across the hall, or the cafeteria. Or sleeping over and being stuck in Asher's bed instead of his. It sounds super depressing but honestly, it wasn't that bad.

I knew he'd fall victim to my charm eventually.

And what d'ya know? Here we are, him currently falling for me. At least I hope he is. Who am I kidding? Of course he's falling for me, just as I'm falling for him.

It has been approximately fifteen hours since we kissed seen as it's now ten am and we kissed at around seven pm last night. Yes I counted, fuck off.

Of course, I couldn't sleep after. Not when all I wanted was him. Not when every time I closed my eyes his hazel ones filled my mind and completely mesmerised me. And of course, not when all I wanted was to sleep with him in my arms.

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